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I slept in a t shirt and fluffy socks so in my opinion I was covered enough to open the door and see what all the noise was about. With his back to me, there was a tall man trying to drag three (3!) suitcases by himself up the stairs.

"Would you like some help, now that you've woken me up?"

He turned to face me and-
"Oh you have got to be kidding me!"

I slammed my door shut and groaned loudly as I realised just how much worse my life was going to get.

"You look better when you're crying, less angry," he called after me.

Yup - you guessed it. That prick from the party yesterday, not my slimy ex, the bastard that needed a piss.

"Piss off!" I shouted through the door.

"I'm only going to be louder if you don't help me."

There was no way I was gonna help him, so I put on my noise cancelling headphones and took a bath to wash away the tears and alcohol from last night. I completely forgot about that guy until I was lying in bed and I heard a sharp knock right where my head was.

I ignored it for a minute, but soon there were a couple more rapid knocks so I huffed and knocked back. That fucker was my new neighbour.

A few days had gone by and I hadn't even left my house, he tried knocking every night but I just ignored it. My bin was overflowing though so I sucked up my pride and quickly darted out of my house, hoping not to bump into anyone.

I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders spin me round and I kicked my attacker before he could kidnap me.
"What the fuck was that for?"

Of course it was him.

"I thought you were gonna kidnap me!"

He sighed and ran his hand through his dark curls. I had to admit he did look good.
"I came here to apo- I never apologise. I came here to say maybe we could have started off a bit better."

"Oh and whose fault was that?"

He glared at me and I started to feel hot and bothered. Maybe just hot. He was hot.

"Listen. If you want us to hate each other, fine. I'm just trying to do the neighbourly thing."

I sighed and realised he had a point.
"Okay. We're friends. Can you go now?"

He smirked but didn't move away and I was beginning to get fed up of his games.
"First of all, love, who said we're friends? We can be friendly and never have to see each other again as far as I'm concerned. Second of all, what's your name?"

I rolled my eyes, threw my rubbish away and stormed off. What a dick! I was quite content with never talking to him again, but my hormones were raging and I kind of wanted to at least see him again, just to admire his body - and face - and hair.

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