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There had been a few break ins into the institute recently so we were all told to keep our doors locked, which was a pain because usually I slept with mine unlocked so Alec could come in after a nightmare. We decided to give each other the spare key instead because it was safer but I still felt bad about coming into his room while he slept.

I woke up in a mess after a particularly bad nightmare and decided I needed to see Alec. He had given me the spare key but I still felt bad about coming in unannounced despite his constant reassurance that I was always welcome. I was still shaking as I climbed into his bed, hoping that I wouldn't wake him up, but he moved his hand to my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"I don't wanna talk about it," I mumbled and he pressed a kiss to my forehead.

I froze - he had never done that before. No one had ever done that before. It was kind of nice though. Izzy kept trying to get Alec and I together but I wasn't sure that I wanted a relationship after how badly it had ended with Harry.

He had really mucked up my trust issues and looking back, I could see how toxic our relationship had been and I felt stupid. I vowed never to let myself become dependent on someone again. I had managed quite well into I'd started sleeping in Alec's bed, or him in mine. We never spoke about it in the day time and no one seemed to know - it was our secret.

After that night where Alec kissed my forehead, I was really confused about my feelings, but I had no time to dwell because  we were called to a speech by Maryse Lightwood, Izzy and Alec's mum and one of the scariest people I had ever met.

She was kind of in charge of the shadow-hunters and when she spoke, everybody listened. Usually it was serious - about our latest enemy or potential shadow-hunters in the mundane world. Boring stuff blah blah blah. Today's speech was kind of cool though.

"The shadow-hunters and downworlders have been invited to a formal evening at Magnus Bane's mansion to call a temporary truce while Nash Crypt is on the loose. We think it is best for both sides to work together to defeat our common enemy. You must bring a date. Dismissed."

After Maryse's speech I went straight to find the Lightwood siblings.
"Did you know about this?"

"Not at all."

"This is the first I've heard."

The night of the party came around quickly but I had decided I wouldn't be going. I didn't have a date. Clary and Jace were obviously going together, Raphael and Izzy were back together and now that they were free to express their relationship with no stigma they were of course going together. Simon had fallen for a werewolf named Maia - I'd only met her a couple of times but she seemed good for him so I was happy for the couple. Alec would be working and I had plans to spend the evening in my room watching films and eating popcorn.

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