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Alec and I carried on as if nothing had happened at Magnus' party and part of me was glad. Every time we came close to something romantic, it would change things between us, so I was grateful that this hadn't. We'd been put on a private mission, just the two of us to investigate a possible demon's hideout in the city. It had gone fairly smoothly and there was somewhere else in the area that I wanted to visit when we'd finished.

"There's somewhere nearby that I need to visit quickly. Just hang back a little, I won't be long," I told Alec, who didn't seem to mind.

As I approached the familiar house, I took a deep breath and rang the doorbell. There was no answer so I knocked loudly and shouted through the letterbox but still to no avail. Sighing, I dug the spare key out of the wilting flower pot and noticed my hands shaking more than normal as I struggled to put it in the key hole. The house was dark and seemingly empty but there was a bad smell coming from the living room. Entering, I noticed a familiar figure passed out on the floor, and I sucked in a sharp breath as I noticed what was scattered around his body. I quickly checked his pulse before storming out of the house and realising how angry I was.

"Fucking fuck motherfucker!" I screamed, punching the window which to my surprise smashed and embedded tiny shards of glass in my bloody hand.

"Elle! What the fuck did you do? I leave you alone for one minute and you-"Alec yelled, coming closer and widening his eyes at my hand.

"Nothing let's just go."

He shifted on his feet as he glanced at the broken window, but eventually decided to follow me after I stormed off. We ended up on a park bench where I clumsily tried to pluck the shards from my skin.

"Here, let me do it," Alec spoke softly, taking my good hand away before I could cut myself further.

"But then we'll both get hurt," I protested, not wanting him to injure himself because of something stupid I'd done.

He gently moved my hand over towards him and started carefully removing the fragments of broken glass. We didn't share a word but I felt comfortable in silence with him.

"You didn't have to do that," I said awkwardly when he was done, but still didn't let go of my hand.

"Will you tell me why you broke the window to that house?" he asked softly.

I sighed and put my head in my good hand, deciding that I at least owed him an explanation after all he'd done for me.
"It's my brother's house. He's a recovering addict and he told me that rehab was working and I didn't need to worry about him but I came here to check on him while I was in the area and he's passed out on the floor with a fucking needle next to him and coke across the table."

I turned away from Alec because I didn't want him to see me cry, but he gently pulled me into his body and rested his head atop mine.
"I'm sorry you had to see him like that. Only he can make himself better and you have to know it isn't your fault, okay?"

I nodded and cried silently into his shoulder as he stroked my hair.

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