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My wish came true, kind of, when I got a knock at my apartment.
"Your name's Elle. Elle-May Cooke," he smirked victoriously, handing me my post.

"Give me that!" I snatched, trying to shut the door in his face but his foot stuck out at the last minute to stop me.

"Seems fair to tell you my name, don't you think?"

"I really couldn't give a shit what your name is," I lied. It had been bugging me since I met him but I was too stubborn to ask him.

"You know I've never seen you when you're not angry," he mused, taking his foot out of the door so I could shut it.

When I opened it again a second later he still hadn't moved.
"What is your name then?" I sighed, sounding bored but secretly I loved talking to him.

"Alec. Alec Lightwood."

I shut the door for real this time as I played his name over in my head. To be honest it sounded made up, but it suited him. Dark and mysterious. I thought about what he'd said about me always being angry and I felt kind of bad, but I had a reason to be angry. I was still hurting about Harry, and maybe I shouldn't have taken it out on Alec, but I couldn't help myself.

Harry came to my apartment one day, he still had keys which I had completely forgotten about and he wasn't even trying to apologise. He just wanted me to keep quiet about him cheating so he didn't look like the bad guy. One thing led to another and soon it was a screaming match between us.

"Get out Harry!" I cried, opening the door for him to leave. But he didn't.

He hit me couple of times and tried to choke me against the door but I managed to wriggle free. Harry pushed me around inside but I saw that the door was still slightly open and I had an idea. I guided us discreetly to my bedroom where he got even angrier and slapped my face hard. I fell onto my bed and knocked the wall, praying Alec would be there.

Harry slammed me into the wall and I felt dizzy as my knees buckled and I fell to the floor. What a prick.

"Get the fuck away from her!" I heard a deep voice shout as I drifted in and out of consciousness.

"Get his keys," I mumbled and Alec's eyes went wide as he saw me crumpled on the floor. He returned to his senses and he got Harry in an intricate hold as he got the keys from him. That was the last thing I saw before the world went black.

When I woke up, I was in my bed and there was something cold pressed to my head. I tried to sit up but a strong hand gently pushed me down.
"Try and keep still for a bit, you don't wanna pass out again."


Once I had eaten some toast and drank a tea (courtesy of Alec), he let me sit up and told me how he had kicked Harry out of my apartment, took the keys and cleaned my head wound (courtesy of Harry).

"Was he your boyfriend?"

"Ex. He cheated on me with my best friend at the party we went to. He came here cause he wants me back although it didn't seem like that when he was throwing me around like a ping pong ball," I laughed bitterly.

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