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I caught a glimpse of myself in Alec's mirror and I grimaced. My blonde hair was half out of my bun, the circles under my eyes were practically grey and my white blouse had a stain from someone's drink on where I had come straight home from work.

"Alec, maybe I should get cleaned up first."

"Nonsense - you look fine."

As we walked into a canteen, I realised I should definitely have got cleaned up. Everyone looked cool and athletic in their black leather and with their runes (yes Alec had finally explained his 'tattoos').

"Alec! You're home!" A pretty Latina girl hugged him tightly and I felt a pang of jealousy.

"Hey, you must be Elle - I'm Izzy. I hope my brother hasn't been too annoying."


"Speaking of which, come here bro," the blonde haired boy from Alec's apartment pulled Alec into another hug. A ginger girl following close to his side.

"You guys are all siblings?" I asked wonderingly.

"Well Clary is Jace's girlfriend and Jace is adop-"

"Amazing," Jace winked at me and I laughed.

I think I liked these people. We ate and spoke for what felt like hours before the boys left for 'training' and Clary said she was seeing someone called Simon. I was left with Izzy but she was such a sweet, bubbly person I didn't mind.

"Don't worry. You're in safe hands here. I know it must be scary finding out your whole life is a lie, but the same thing happened to Clary and now she's one of us. First of all, you need a shower and some clean clothes so I'll take you to my room.

I thanked her and soon felt refreshed - until I saw what she had lied out on the bed for me. Leather jeans and a black top that barely covered my boobs.

"Uh Izzy - it's very kind of you to lend me the clothes but I don't think I should wear this."

"Nonsense. Alec will love it," she winked and I realised how similar they were.

"You know Alec and I aren't together right? We're barely friends."

She just smiled and waited for me to try on the clothes. I had to admit, I looked good and I felt badass, like I fitted in here.

"Elle you're gorgeous! You have to keep this!"

We linked arms as she took me to the training room to watch Alec and Jace.
"Just watch for now, you need rest before you try any of this stuff."

I was mesmerised as I watched their bodies contort to meet each other's as their weapons collided. They were both equally strong, but Jace was more buff whereas Alec was toned. Trust me to be admiring their bodies when I should be watching their sparring techniques.

Alec seemed to be winning but then suddenly he dropped his weapon and gave me a strange look.


"You look...different."

I smirked and felt Izzy discreetly high-five me as Jace tried to look at my eyes. Alec didn't even bother trying to look away from my chest as he approached us.
"Izzy I told you to look after her - not do... whatever this is," he scolded his sister.

She ignored him and dragged us away, into a small empty bedroom.

"This is yours now! Alec is next door, for old time's sake, and I'm just across the hall. Jace and Clary are in room 103 and I pity their neighbours," she left with a smirk.

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