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I thanked Izzy for everything, grabbed a t shirt out the wardrobe and took off her clothes before crawling into bed and falling straight asleep.

I woke up to Alec and Izzy's faces right above mine.

"God! Some privacy maybe?"

"Tell that to your unlocked door," Alec quipped back.

Izzy shoved him and gave me a kind smile.

"We just wanted to make sure you're okay. You've been asleep a whole day."

I looked at the clock and jumped out of bed, before realising my t shirt had ridden up, exposing my underwear which Alec had the pleasure of seeing.
"Give me ten minutes and I'll be right down."

"Do you even know where you're going?"

"Alright, give me ten minutes and I'll be outside your door," I glared at him.

They nodded and left my room so I could shower and get changed. There were some clothes in my wardrobe, thankfully not all exposing leather, although I could see that Izzy had definitely had a say in some of the clothing choices. I chose black jeans, a green T-shirt and some trainers so I was comfy for whatever we would be doing today, and met Alec outside his door.

"You're late."

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed."

He glared at me but even still he looked hot and I had to keep looking away or I'd probably crash into something knowing me. He led me down a familiar path and soon we ended up in the training room.

"You'll get a chance to train with the others soon, but for now you have me. Lucky you."

I rolled my eyes as he led me over to the weapons stand. I took a while choosing a weapon but eventually settled on a sword similar to the one he had used to kill the demon in his apartment.

"Sure you wanna use a sword? They're quite hard to start on."

"Well thanks for telling me before I just spent an hour choosing it. But I think I'll manage," I rolled my eyes at him.

He taught me a few moves and I picked them up pretty quickly.
"You've never done this before?" he asked in wonder as we started sparring.

"Well I used to fence as a kid and I took a few martial arts classes in my teens so I guess that helps a bit."

Alec just nodded and it seemed like we sparred for hours. It was tiring and I wanted to die at the end of it, but I had fun and just enjoyed seeing Alec hot and sweaty to be honest. Jace walked in and told us to shower before lunch so we could all eat together.

After lunch, Izzy gave me a basic first aid course which was actually so helpful! I knew how to do CPR and the recovery position of course, but she taught me how to deal with shock and bleeding and even showed me how to stitch. My stitching skills were questionable because I had an anxiety disorder so my hands were naturally shaky, but she said I would manage.

By the end of the day, I felt like I fit in a bit more. Clary would teach me about runes tomorrow, and Jace about what to do in different scenarios. The rest of the week was intensive training but I felt like a real shadow-hunter at the end of it.

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