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"Why aren't you dressed?" Alec asked, bursting into my room an hour before the party started.

I looked up at him in confusion, my tracksuit bottoms stained and my t shirt creased beyond belief.
"What are you taking about? I'm not going."

"You have to go!"

"I don't have a date, idiot. And who wants to go to this stupid party anyway? I don't know anyone and I'm not going with someone random just for the sake of going."

The truth was, I really, really, reallyyyyy wanted to go. I'd never been to a formal dance before; my school never had a prom and no one I knew had ever had a wedding. But of course, I wasn't going to tell the others that, so I'd said from the beginning that I didn't feel like going.

"Well, it's a bit short notice, but I'm off work tonight and if we hurry we can still make it," Alec said shyly, sitting down next to me.

"You want to go to the dance with me?" I asked in disbelief.

"Well only if you want to-"

I tackled him into a hug and he stifled a smile as he left my room. I didn't have a dress but I knew Izzy would help, so I dashed across the corridor and explained the situation. Clary was always early to everything so she had plenty of time to help me get ready too. I borrowed a midnight blue dress from Izzy and Clary put my hair in an intricate up-do; I hurriedly did my makeup with Clary's help while Izzy went to tell her brother to wear a blue tie. Soon I was ready and the girls went to find their dates.

Clary had a green dress that made her hair look pretty and Jace had a green bow tie that actually quite suited him. Izzy was in red, no surprise, but she looked amazing as always and Raphael even had some  colour on his cheeks as he looked at his girlfriend. Simon and Maia matched in purple which suited them both and I was excited to see how Alec looked in a suit.

Soon there was a knock at my door and I checked myself over quickly before opening it. Alec looked amazing in a suit and his tie matched my dress perfectly.

"You look..different," he stuttered, his eyes trailing over my whole body .

I twirled around to give him a full view and I noticed a blush on his face.
"You like it?"

Alec couldn't seem to get his words out but nodded and swallowed, so I smiled and took his hand as we walked to limo that was waiting for us. The others were already inside and I noticed Jace wink at his brother as we got in. Alec was a gentleman and offered me his hand as we arrived at Magnus's house.

He leant down to tuck a piece of hair behind my ear and whispered in my ear.
"You look beautiful."

I blushed and squeezed his hand as we caught up with the others.
"Welcome, welcome, my friends.
So glad you could all make it," Magnus smiled. He kissed the girls' cheeks and shook the boy's hands - a true host. Our group mainly stayed together as we spoke to people we knew and met more downworlders, everyone seemed friendly enough.

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