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"Was that why you were crying at the party?" he asked softly.

After downing my tea, I didn't want to answer him or meet his eyes for a moment. I felt the bed sink down with his weight next to mine and he gently took my hand. What was happening? This wasn't the Alec I had seen before.

"I'm sorry for being an asshole. But you're clearly better off without him. Tell me if he comes back, yeah?" I nodded numbly and watched him leave my apartment.

When I was feeling better, I went to Alec's door but before I could knock he already opened it.
"Are you okay? Did he come back?" he asked worriedly.

"No, I-I just wanted to say thank you for earlier."

Alec smiled, a real smile, not his usual cocky smirk.
"My pleasure. We got off on the wrong foot and I think we can be friends."

I spent the evening round his place, getting to know him and watching shit movies on Netflix.
"What do all your tattoos mean?"

Before he could answer, the door flung open and a blonde man stood looking angry.
"Alec. You're needed."

"I guess I'll have to get back to you on that one," he smirked, ushering me out the door before I could ask what was going on.

I didn't want to look clingy or stalkery (is that a word) so I waited for Alec to come to me instead of me going to him. It took two weeks before I saw him again and even then it was at the bar where I worked.

"How do you know I work here?" I hissed. I was pissed off at him after leaving so suddenly with no explanation and then avoiding me for a fortnight.

"I didn't until now."

"So you didn't even come here for me?" I couldn't help but sound disappointed.

He smirked and took off his jacket, exposing his muscles and tattoos. I had to remind myself I was at work and wanted to keep some dignity. That didn't keep my colleagues from drooling over him though.

"Miss me, darling?"
Darling! Say that again and my pants will be off.

"What can I get you?" I sighed.

"What time do you finish work?" he countered my question.

"Late. Talk to me at home."

I walked away, leaving him watching after me (I hoped) as I went to attend to another table.

"Who is mister tall dark and handsome you were talking to earlier?" Esme, my work bestie questioned when we were in the back.

"My neighbour."

"Oh you have got to be kidding me. Lucky bitch!"

"Yeah well I'm mad at him at the moment so he's all yours."

She didn't have to be told twice and I saw her unbutton the top of her work blouse as she went to take his order. I tried not to look at him as I went about my work and by the time my shift was over he was gone. When I got home though, he was standing outside my apartment.

"You couldn't haven just spoken to me at work?" he grumbled.


I pushed past him to get to my door but he blocked my way and looked sheepish.
"I'm sorry for leaving so suddenly that night. It was for my job."

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