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I pulled her into my room before someone else could see me and realise what I'd done.
"Well how do you feel about it?" she asked.

"Best sex of my life."

"Oh god, Elle, I'd rather not know about how good my brother was in bed. I mean what do you want to happen now?" she laughed.

I thought about it and decided I didn't regret it. I really liked Alec and I wouldn't be complaining about a relationship with him. He probably didn't feel the same though and it was probably just a meaningless hookup for him. I decided to do what I did best and avoided him for as long as I could. Like - fully pretended he didn't exist.

Until he stormed into the cafeteria looking very hot and quite angry as he made eye contact with me.

"Elle-May Cooke, for the love of god will you stop fucking ignoring me and talk about the sex!"

"What sex?"

"Wait you guys fucked?"

"Why didn't I know about this."

I couldn't believe he had shouted that in front of all our friends - I was mortified, and angry, and...and...he was right. I grabbed his arm and yanked him to my room, deciding that this conversation was long overdue and I needed to man up and face it.

"Before you say anything, I wanna talk."
I pushed him to sit on the bed and stood in front of him, taking a deep breath.

"I've been avoiding you because I didn't know what the sex meant to you and I didn't want to ruin-"

He cocked his eyebrow as I paused, not knowing how to say what I wanted.

"Look, I like you Alec. I'm tired of the flirting and kisses and us not talking about it. It was the best sex of my life and I want a relationship with you but you probably don't feel the same so I thought it was best to avoid you to protect our friendship at least."

Alec cut me off by pulling me to the bed with him, I fell on top of him as he grabbed my waist and pressed his body into mine. We made out for a few minutes before he pulled away lightly.
"Best sex of your life huh?" he whispered into my neck before attaching his lips there.

"Oh shush. And stop distracting me! This was a serious conversation."

I climbed off his lap slowly and sat next to him, our skin begging to be touched but the distance between us saving my dignity.

"Elle, I wish you'd have stayed that morning. When I woke up and you were gone, I was disappointed honestly. I thought that night meant something to you and then when you ignored me I presumed you regretted it. But the truth is, I was going to ask you out when we woke up but you were gone. So - seeing as you're here now, will you be my girlfriend?"

He took my hand so gently and stared with his big hazel eyes, he looked so vulnerable and honest that I realised that he wanted this as much as I did.

"I thought you'd never ask."

Needless to say, when the others came to knock on my door to see what this was all about, Alec and I were kind of preoccupied with each other.

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