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Soon the door opened to reveal Clary, Jace and two boys I didn't recognise.

"Elle, this is Simon - he's a vampire but he's safe and Clary's lifelong friend."

I shook his hand which was as cold as ice. He seemed sweet.

"This is Raphael."

Izzy's tone changed to one I didn't recognise and it was clear that they had some history. I ignored it though and shook his hand too. His smile revealed his fangs and I guessed he was a vampire too. Alec was the last to arrive and went straight to the drinks.

I glared at him as he arrived, still pissed off that he had told Esme I was in a coma.

"Truth or dare?" Clary asked Jace.

"Dare. You know I'm no pussy babe," he winked.

"Fine. I dare you to eat a tablespoon of hot sauce," she smirked.

His face paled but he hid it and reluctantly swallowed the burning sauce. We all laughed as he went bright red and he chose truth for the next few rounds.


"How many times - it's just Elle! Truth."

Alec smirked and gave me chilling look.
"How many guys have you been with?"

I stuttered and decided to take a shot instead, ignoring the victorious smirk on Alec's face. Izzy and Raphael were dared to make out, but they were both quite drunk by then so didn't complain. I saw a pang of jealousy on Simon's face, but then I dared Izzy to kiss his cheek and he look pleased with himself.

"Alec - truth or dare?" Izzy asked her brother.


"I dare you to do a body shot - off of Elle."

She smirked at me and mouthed 'payback for Simon' so I sighed and stood up. We moved to the kitchen where she had a bench that I could lie down on. Alec's eyes burned into me the whole time, as I took my top off and lied down. Everyone's eyes were on me.

Alec seemed to be moving in slow motion as he shook the salt in a line across my stomach from my bellybutton to the bottom of my bra. He placed the lime in my mouth before squatting next to me and waiting a second to make eye contact before I felt his tongue on my cold exposed skin. Jace handed him the shot of tequila which he downed before taking his time draining the lime in my mouth.

He winked at me and helped me stand so I could wipe his saliva and lime juice off of my body. I quickly pulled my top back on and motioned for the others to come back to the other room.

"Wow," breathed Simon.

"Oh shut up," I playfully shoved him, blushing. It was just a dare.

"I'm just going to the bathroom. You guys carry on," Alec called which made Raphael laugh. Did he seriously get a boner? And was it weird to say I felt kind of proud?

None of the other dares were as extreme as that one. Until Clary dared me to make out with whoever the bottle landed on for 30 seconds. I grabbed an empty bottle and spun it with my eyes closed. I was scared to open them when everyone cheered. Can you guess who it landed on?

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