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I let him in and got us both a beer while we sat on the sofa.
"What's your job?"

"I-I help people."
I could tell he was thinking carefully about his answer and I was confused.

"God can you be any clearer? If you don't want to talk to me just tell me."

Alec stood up, then sat down and I decided to sit next to him.
"Look - my job's complicated. It's not that I don't want to tell you, I can't. I want to spend more nights like the one we did and hopefully we won't be interrupted. What do you say?"

"You could have just said that instead of ignoring me for a fortnight," I mumbled, sounding like a little kid.

"This was more fun."

He smirked and let himself out of my apartment, which I was kind of grateful for because I was exhausted. I saw him around the apartment block and we were always friendly - I even went back to his apartment again for another shitty movie marathon and this time we weren't interrupted by the blonde man.

At first I thought Alec didn't like me when he wouldn't tell me stuff, but now I realise that he's just a private person and he actually seems to enjoy my company. All was going well until I came home one night and I could see Alec peeking through the crack where his door was ajar.


His arm reached out and pulled me inside hurriedly before he shut the door behind us.
"Stay quiet and stay low."


Before I could say another word, his strong hand clamped over my mouth and my eyes went wide as I saw a different side of him. I tried kicking him but he pulled me to his chest and my body involuntarily relaxed into his grip. He pushed me down behind the sofa and told me to keep quiet as something unhuman burst through the door.

I stifled my scream and watched as he pulled a sword out of fucking nowhere and started fighting, yes you heard me right, fighting this gigantic monster. I closed my eyes and hoped I was having another nightmare. Alec and I barely knew each other but I didn't want to have to explain his body to the police if I could help it.


"It's just Elle," I mumbled, before I realised who was talking and I tackled him to the ground.

"Alec! You're alive!"

He smirked and pulled himself up, but then his face grew serious and I took in my surroundings.
"Where are we?"

"My bedroom."

"But this isn't your apartment?"

The next hour I learnt a lot of cool things about shadow-hunters and demons and the institute and my small brain could barely take it in. It turned out Alec had been assigned to watch over me because I was a suspected shadow-hunter. It was weird knowing he moved next to me purposely, and went to the same party as me, and knew where I worked. I would have thought I was dreaming but the pain in my head told me it was all real. That and the whale call my stomach just made.

"Come on - you need to eat. And you can meet the others!" Alec said excitedly.

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