I excused myself to the bathroom but got a bit lost on my way out so I plucked up the courage to ask what I thought was a vampire how to get to the main hall. He gave me an unnerving grin and got me cornered into the wall.

"Well aren't you a pretty little shadow-hunter. I'd love to see what you taste like."

I tried to push him off me but he was too strong. I felt his mouth on my neck and waited for his fangs to penetrate my skin but they never came. Instead he was pulled off me and Alec's hands roamed over my body to check for any injuries.

"Elle are you okay?"

"Alec," I breathed - still traumatised from the vampire.

I regained my breath and Alec's hand squeezed mine as I explained what happened. We went back downstairs to the others, in time for the first dance. I told Alec I was a terrible dancer and he told me he was as well; liar. His feet glided gracefully across the floor as his strong arms pulled me with him, twirling me away and holding me close to his body. It was magical.

I was breathless once again at the end of it and just stared up into his bright hazel eyes. They had a strange look in them and darted down to my lips, so I grabbed his collar and pulled him into a kiss. I don't know what had come over me but he seemed to enjoy it because he manoeuvred us backwards until my back hit the wall. His hands roamed down my body as his lips attacked my own. It was raw and passionate and so unlike Alec who was always so calm and calculated.

"Wow," I breathed afterwards.

"Wow," he smirked.

"There you are! We've been looking for you everywhere!" Izzy exclaimed, rushing up to us.

We exchanged a look and Alec reached for my hand discreetly by our sides. The rest of the night was amazing, we danced, mingled and the food was fantastic! We were all a bit drunk by the time the driver came to pick us up but we didn't care. Jace was piggybacking Clary inside, Izzy could walk flawlessly despite her ridiculously high heels as Simon and Raphael were dropped off at Du Mort. I thought I was hiding my intoxication quite well, but I didn't complain when a strong arm clamped around my waist.

"I can manage myself, you know," I scolded playfully as I leant into his body.

"I know," he smirked, as he held onto me tighter.

I said goodnight to the others and dragged Alec inside when he dropped me off at my door.
"Can you stay the night," I smiled playfully, moving my hands up to his chest.

"Elle - don't," he said softly, moving my hands back down to my sides.

Ouch. I was hurt.
"I thought you liked me?" I whispered.

"I do! God I do. But we're drunk. I don't want us to regret anything in the morning."

I nodded and went to the bathroom, when I came out he had gone and I tried to forget about it and sleep. I'd ruined a perfect evening for myself.

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