19 - rewritten

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Since a few of you had asked me to write a sequel or carry on this story I decided to change the ending and add a few more chapters so I hope this time it ends better

During training the next day, the sexual tension was so high we had to stop and go somewhere more private ;), but I'd really been improving.

Being Alec's girlfriend made me so happy, not to brag but we literally had the perfect relationship. We went on double dates with Jace and Clary, even sometimes with Izzy and whoever she was obsessed with this week. Our synchrony during missions was unmatched, so we got sent on more together and his little brother Max was like my parter in crime.

Alec worked so hard as head of the institute that by the time he came to bed, (we'd been sleeping together in his room every night) I was already asleep. Of course I didn't begrudge him his job, he was an amazing leader and I knew it was hard on him too, I just wished that we could have lazy days together, or an evening just for us.

Well - my wish came true.

"Guess what!" Alec grinned, locking the door after him as he came to join me on the bed.

"What?" I smiled, kissing his cheek excitedly, glad that I could see him.

"I've finished work for the day, so I was thinking you and I could have some alone time this evening," he smirked, pulling me closer to his body.

"I like that plan."

He grinned even bigger and removed his shirt, I was still mesmerised by his abs as he leaned down to kiss me, gently at first but getting more passionate as he moved lower down. He lifted my t shirt over my head and attached his mouth to my collarbone, sucking hard enough to make me moan and know it would leave a mark in the morning.

His hands had reached the waistband of my shorts when a sharp ringing disturbed us.

"Hey Clary!" I answered the phone-call breathlessly, hoping it would sound like I was ill.

Alec groaned and moved to put his head in my lap - he knew how long our conversations could be. Soon he got bored and moved to sit up, his fingers absentmindedly grazing my thigh.

"U-uh yeah - just a cold," I stuttered as his lips attached to my neck. My breathing got heavier as his mouth worked wonders on my skin, but I tried to push him off so I could talk to Clary.

He pushed me backwards so I fell onto the bed, barely holding the phone still.

"Yes I'm fine, just-just a bit ill," I lied to Clary, coughing to disguise my moan as Alec's fingers slipped into my shorts. Clary must have known what was going on as she told me to 'go have fun' and hung up with a laugh.

"You bastard! She knew!"

"Oh I want everyone to know by the time I'm done with you," Alec growled, removing my shorts fully and lowering his head.

I woke up in his arms as the sun shone brightly into the room. The golden light on his body was a beautiful sight and I thought to myself how lucky I was to call him mine.

The door flung open and Jace waltzed in, talking a mile a minute to Alec before he noticed me, naked, and I hurriedly pulled the duvet up to cover up my body.

"Jeez bro, how many hickeys did you give her?" he teased, as Alec groaned and rubbed his eyes.

"What do you want Jace?"

"Maryse wants to speak to you."

Alec nodded and kissed my lips softly before getting out of bed, only wearing boxers. He went to the bathroom to get changed and I awkwardly stared at Jace.

"Might wanna cut your nails, anyone would think he'd been attacked by a demon," he winked, waltzing back out the room.

I blushed hard and remembered the fun we'd had last night.

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