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The sexual tension between Alec and I was unbearable. I wanted him to kiss me again and every time we trained I was distracted by his shirtless body. Even Izzy and Clary were winding me up about him.

"Just ask him out already! It's obvious he likes you too!" Clary said.

"Want me to tell him how you feel?" Izzy teased.

"Don't you dare! What if he doesn't feel the same and it ruins our friendship?"

To celebrate a series of successful missions, the institute was holding a casual party. Everyone I knew seemed to be going and I was really excited. I needed an excuse to get drunk to take my mind off of Alec.

That didn't quite go to plan when I found myself grinding against him in a dark corner. His hands were on my hips as we swayed against each other.
"You're so hot," he whispered against my skin.

I turned to face him and his hands went to my ass as we made out, me pushed against the wall as he took control. I moaned against his touch as he mumbled
"Let's get out of here."

We staggered into his room, not breaking away from each other as we crashed into various furniture on the way to the bed.

He gently pushed me down onto the bed, his bright eyes clouded over with lust as they raked over my body.
"Too many clothes," he muttered as his hands fought the buttons of my shirt - he gave up half way through and yanked it off my head instead.

"Ouch," I mumbled, and his eyes softened as he placed a delicate kiss on my lips.

Soon all of our clothes were on the floor and I was waiting as he hovered on top of me.
"Are you sure you want-"

"Oh my god just fuck me Alec!"

He didn't waste any more time and oh my god it was magical! I'd never felt anything like it and I didn't want it to stop. Finally he lied next to me, and we panted loudly, sweaty and breathless after finally doing it.
"Are you okay?" he asked, turning his beautiful face to look into my eyes. I nodded and kissed him softly, the alcohol taking over as I yawned. Alec pulled me into his side and the next thing I felt was sleep.

I woke up naked in his bed and the realisation of what had happened last night hit me. Oh god! What had I done? I glanced over at Alec and saw his peaceful face as he stayed asleep. I had to get out before he woke up. I couldn't find my clothes from last night or my bra so I put my underwear back on and Alec's t shirt.

I'd almost made it to my door when Izzy grabbed my arm.
"So you guys finally did it, huh?" She smirked.

"I'm freaking out Iz! We were drunk. I don't know how he feels about it or what's gonna happen between us now."

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