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Lydia and Alec had been even closer around the institute, they were always seen smiling or laughing together and it broke my heart. I went on a date with Raphael and he was a real gentleman. I made a big show every time he came to visit the institute and we were always glued to each other.

I did like him, he was sweet and gentle, but I was more doing it to spite Alec. He never seemed to care though which made things worse because all I wanted was to win him back. I'd given up trying after a month and decided to just enjoy being with Raphael. Magnus had invited everyone to his mansion for another party and I was enjoying myself when Izzy asked what was on my neck and I blushed and told her a hickey.

Alec locked eyes with me and something I couldn't read crossed his face before he excused himself to the bathroom. Was he jealous? I felt kind of proud that I'd gotten a reaction out of him but at the same time I felt like I was using Raphael.

I was about to break up with him when Magnus declared it was time for his birthday speech. He was an amazing host and the speech was wonderful until he spoke words which shattered my heart.

"And I would like to congratulate Alec Lightwood and Lydia Branwell on their engagement!"

Everyone cheered and clapped apart from our group which stood motionless.

"Alec what the fuck?"

"When were you gonna tell us?"

"Since when were you even dating her?"

All of the questions swam into one big fuck you to me as I excused myself quietly and ran outside to cry on the bench. I heard someone's heels clicking after me and Izzy wrapped me in a big hug.

"I'm so sorry Elle, I had no idea. None of us did."

"Did-did he even love me?" I choked out, because that's what really hurt; I felt like our whole relationship had been a lie if he had been this quick to move on.

"Oh babe, I know he did. I'm gonna beat his ass for this later trust me. Do you want me to get Raphael to take you home?"

I nodded and let my boyfriend guide me numbly to the car. He wasn't mad that I was upset which hurt more because I felt like he was too good for me. He spent the night and it was nice but all I was thinking about was Alec and how much I missed him. He still hadn't said a word to me since our breakup, even during missions.

Lydia invited Izzy, Clary and I to her hen-do but I declined, I'm sure she was a nice girl but I couldn't like her for stealing Alec from me. Everyone kept trying to make me feel better but I just wanted to be alone for the few days before the wedding. I had an invite, I think it was out of pity to be honest but I didn't think I was going to go.

Raphael told me he'd save me a seat and I told Izzy that I probably wouldn't come, but when the day came around I made an effort and decided that it would do me good to get the closure and finally be happy with Raphael.

The others had already gone in and I was freaking out because I didn't know if I could face watching or listening to them do their vows. I was about to go back to my room when I heard the priest start talking and realised they were about to say their vows. I sucked up my feelings and slowly crept in, trying to make it to my seat unnoticed.

Alec caught my eye and stared for so long that I was frozen on the spot, I couldn't read his face though.

"Alec?" Lydia asked softly when he still hadn't teared his eyes away from me.

"I-I'm sorry. I can't do this."

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