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"I bet you're shattered after all this training. Rest today and meet me at my room at 8pm and we'll play some drinking games," Izzy winked.

She reminded me so much of my friend Esme from the bar. Shit - the bar! My phone didn't work here so I had no way of telling my work why I was off. I felt bad disturbing Alec so I knocked on the wall next to my bed, hoping he would hear it. Shortly there came another knock and then his voice.


"It's just Elle."

Wait I could hear him? Through the wall? Now I know what Izzy meant when she said she felt sorry for Jace and Clary's neighbours.

"Can I come over?" I felt stupid talking to the wall and thought I'd imagined it at first, but soon Alec's voice came through and I made my way over to his room.

"What's up?" He was sitting on his bed in a t shirt that hugged his muscles nicely.

"I was erm, just wondering what will happen in the real world - the mundane world - about me?"

It was really hard to concentrate when there was a literal god in front of me but I seemed to have managed. Ish?

"You mean your job?"

I nodded.

"I told Esme to tell your boss that you'd been hit by a car and were in a coma but that no one could visit you."

"What the fuck!"

He shrugged and I didn't know what to do. A coma? Really? Now all my friends - now Esme would be worried about me.

"It was the safest option."

I slammed his door on the way out and decided to nap before drinks at Izzy's. I needed about twelve shots of vodka. Izzy's clothes seemed more fitting for tonight, so I put on the leather trousers again, but a cute red top with a lot of crisscross straps. I had a bra that matched and added to the crisscross straps so I put that on as well because I did not get on well with strapless bras.

Clary came knocking at some point with a bag of makeup.
"We've got a similar skin tone so I thought you could use these before we go and pick up some of your stuff from your apartment."

"Wait I can go back to my apartment?"

"When we think it's safe, you can pop back to grab some of your things. For now you'll have to make do with mine and Izzy's stuff though."

I thanked her and did my makeup, adding some loose curls to my wavy hair as well. Soon it was 8:15 so I went across the hall to Izzy's room. It was bigger than mine and had a sort of kitchen built next to the main living area.
"Elle! Look at you girl!"
I smiled shyly and followed her to get a drink.

Vodka. Of course.

I was the first one to arrive for once, usually I was late to everything.
"The others will get here soon. Alec told me about your tendency to be late so I told them to get here a little later," she admitted with a giggle.
Typical Alec.

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