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He came in with a huge smile which dropped when he saw me.

"Alec will you please just tell me what's going on? I don't know what I've done and if it's something with your mother then we can talk about it. Please don't shut me out," I practically begged him.

"I think we should break up."

His words held no emotion and neither did his face as I stared at him in disbelief. This was all so sudden? We were good together weren't we? I choked out a few sounds as he avoided my eyes until I eventually stormed out.

When I got back to my room I collapsed onto my bed and burst into sobs. I didn't care if anyone could hear me, all I cared about was Alec. Had his feelings even been real in the first place? Was all of this a lie?

At some point I heard my door creak open and someone came and scooped me into their arms. I let them comfort me for a while before I looked up and saw it was Raphael which was a major shock. What was he even in here?


"Shh," he cut me off softly, wiping my tears and pulling me closer to his chest.
"Just let me be here for you."

When Izzy had broken up with him for the last time, I was the only person who had comforted him. Izzy was my best friend and I supported her decision to end things but I still understood how Raphael felt. It was nice that he was doing the same for me now.

Once I'd composed myself, I thanked him for his kindness but insisted that I'd rather be alone, I didn't sleep that night but I was determined to not let Alec see how much he'd hurt me so I showed my face the next day and made sure that I didn't look like anything had happened.

In training Jace pulled me to the side and I asked him why because it was the best I'd ever sparred.
"Why'd you stop me? I was doing well!"

"Elle something's wrong. You've got so much aggression. Is it still Alec?"

I sighed and put my hands on my knees.
"He broke up with me."

Jace took a deep breath as well and didn't say anything before leaving. I called after him but he just kept walking and I sighed in defeat.

I decided it was only fair that Izzy and Clary knew as well and they suggested a girls night immediately to cheer me up. No one had seen Alec in a few days because he'd been spending all his time showing Lydia around the institute.

"I don't like that Lydia woman," Izzy said one night.
"Something just seems off about her - coming here out of nowhere."

I just shrugged and tried to forget all of my worries with alcohol. The girls came with me to a party because they said getting laid would cure my sadness. I was about to get lucky when I felt a strong grip on my arm.

"Raphael? What are you doing here?" I asked, stumbling slightly towards him.

"Taking you home."

He helped me text Izzy and Clary who had wandered off somewhere to let them know I was safe and then followed me into the taxi.

"Why are you being so kind to me?"

"I really like you Elle. You showed me your kindness when I broke with Izzy and now I want to repay you. Will you go for a drink with me one day?"

I agreed and was grateful in hindsight that he refused my offer to spend the night because I knew I was way too drunk. Maybe Alec was never right for me and I was destined to be with Raphael...

I still couldn't shake the feeling of Alec out of my head and all of the sweet things he said and did for me.

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