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Alec left alone to meet with his mother, so I went to find Izzy and Clary. He'd been gone for hours and I was kind of worried, but Izzy informed me that her mother never rushed anything. He finally returned and had an expression I couldn't read on his face.

"Everything okay, babe?" I asked, and he nodded, but his smile was fake.

"Just some stuff about how to run the institute."

It sounded like he was lying but I didn't want to push it. He seemed to be avoiding me for the rest of the day and I let it slide, but I voiced my concerns to Izzy who told me that it was probably nothing.

That night when I went to bed, I decided to stay up until Alec got home which wasn't until 1am.

"How come you're up?" he sounded angry.

"I wanted to make sure everything was okay with you. You don't seem yourself today."

He didn't even look at me as he got undressed and climbed into the bed beside me, but turned away and shrugged my arm off when I tried to spoon him.

"I'm fine, Elle-May, just drop it okay," he snapped.

"Fine I will," I snapped back, storming out of the room, slamming the door and going back to my own room.

I waited and waited for the three knocks, to tell me he wanted me back, that he was sorry - but they never came. I locked my door and stayed in bed the next day, I called Clary and told her I was ill and she seemed to buy it this time. Why was Alec acting like this and why wouldn't he tell me what his mum had said?

I decided to leave my room for dinner and made my way to the canteen, I know I looked like shit and my friends picked up on it right away.

"What happened to you?" Jace asked, ruffling my hair playfully.

"Babe - can't you see she's going through something," Clary elbowed him.

I gave them a weak smile and focused on my food, Alec sat down on the end of the table and didn't say a word to me, but mingled fine with the others.

"Alec don't you have anything to say to your girlfriend?" Izzy scolded.

"No, she's overreacting, if she wants to act like that then it's on her."

I opened my mouth to protest but Jace grabbed my arm and led me out of the cafeteria.

"Right. Tell me everything. Cause yesterday morning you guys were fine."

"He went to see his mum and when he came back he seemed off. I tried to be nice and ask what's wrong but he won't tell me," I explained, defeated.

Jace looked thoughtful as he stared back at Alec from the doorway.
"I'll try and ask him what's up, I'm sure it's nothing you've done so don't worry about it, okay?"

I nodded and thanked him, and decided to return to my room. Alec continued to ignore me and I decided to not let it bother me anymore. That was until I noticed him smiling and laughing with a woman I had never seen before inside the institute.

"Who's that?" I whispered to Izzy.

"Lydia Branwell, she's here to observe us."

She certainly seemed to be observing Alec alright. I walked past them and Alec didn't even glance at me which upset me even more. I slept in my own room for another night but then I wanted to make things right with Alec so I waited for him in his room.

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