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Y/N's POV.

I wake up to someone kicking me in the chest lightly and I see a man in a combat jack, towering over me. He had medium length, greasy hair. A soul patch and intense eyes that looked like could kill me if I look too long. I then realized my hands were bonded together behind my back with a piece of rope.

???: Get up, kid.

I then start thinking about what happened. Where am I? Where's Clementine? Who is this guy? What does he want?

???: Are you deaf?! Get the fuck up!

He said as he picked me up from my arm and I stood on both my legs. He pushed me slightly and pointed me to move in one direction. We walked for a bit when I saw Christa and Omid tied up as well. They both saw me with relieved and worried faces.

Omid: You okay, Y/N?!

Y/N: Yeah, I'm alright. What about you guys?

Christa: We're fine, sweetheart. Where's Clementine?

Y/N: I don't know. We got separated when one of those guys chased us in the woods.

The ugly man then points his AK-47 at us.

???: Shut up, you three!

He then pulls out a walkie talkie and pushes the red button.

???: Boss, I've got three people. Two adults, one child. A male adult and a female adult, and one male child.

The radio goes static for a moment before someone answers.

???: Good work. What's your position?

???: I'm down by the river. Just keep following it and you should see a fire.

???: Okay. We should be there in the morning. And if there hurt like the last group you captured, you get no dinner tonight, Troy. Do you understand?

Troy: I make no promises. Over and out.

Troy then sat down on a log on the other side of the campfire and reached into his pocket to grab something. It was my dad's pistol. I then started to get very angry and said in a stern tone of voice.

Y/N: Hey! That's my father's pistol!

Troy: Well, it's mine now, kid. It's a nice fucking gun. Can't wait to kill some assholes who double-cross me with it.

He says as he inspects the m1911.

Y/N: Your not gonna kill anyone with it. Cause I'll get it back from you, somehow.

He then gets up and puts the barrel of the gun right to my forehead.

Troy: Keep talking your big talk little man. I fuckin dare you!

I was about to say something until Christa spoke up.

Christa: Leave him alone, you bastard!

Troy then shot his attention towards Christa and had a nasty look on his face. He then got up and started smiling.

Troy: Oh that's right. I almost forgot about you, gorgeous. You know...a man does tend to get lonely out here and...your quite beautiful.

Troy says as he traces his finger across Christa's cheek. Christa gets very disgusted by his actions and tries to bite his finger. Omid got very angry at this and got up to try and attack Troy, but was difficult due to his hands bonded together behind his back. Troy then punched Omid so hard, he almost fell into the fire. Troy then went over to him and started to punch the hell out of Omid. This gave Christa the chance to kick Troy hard in the face and he fell in the fire. He screamed in agony and started to roll out the flames. This gave all of us the chance to run into the woods. Troy put out the flames on his body and started shooting at us, but we kept running. Omid and I took cover behind a rock and Christa were behind us. But Troy caught up to her and shot her in the head right in front of us. We were both shocked at what just and Omid ran to her body and started to sob as he crouched down by her body. I stayed quiet until I heard another gunshot and Omid's cries stopped.


He stood there until I heard his footsteps fading away into the deep, dark and cold woods. I stood up from behind my cover and walked over to my friend's dead corpses. I started to cry and said.

Y/N: I'm so sorry. It's all my fault!

I said in between my sobs. Just then, I heard walkers groaning and I got up and started running into the woods, not sure of where I was going.

2 hours later.

I kept running, running away from all the dangers in this forest. I was exhausted and wanted to lay down to catch my breath, but I knew I had to keep going until I found a safe spot to try and get these bindings off me. I then started to slow down, due to the amount of time I was on my feet. I was panting and coughing a little. I started to walk and I felt like I was gonna pass out until I saw something. It was a house and there was a girl. At first, I thought it was Clementine, but this girl was taller and had red glasses on. I got closer to her and she saw me and gasped in fear when she saw me. I then try to say something but struggled to.

Y/N: me...please...

The girl stood there for a moment until she turned around and looked towards the house.

???: DADDY!!!

She yelled and started to run to the house. I fell to my knees and fell to the ground before I noticed people running out of the house and in my direction. Everything then went black around me and I passed out on the ground.

The walking dead S2 (Clem x male reader) Where stories live. Discover now