Getting older.

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Y/N's POV.

7 minutes later.

Me, Kenny, Luke and Nick went around the side of the lodge and began sorting out the supplies. As we did this, Kenny talked with Luke and Nick to try to get to know them. I'd say that they are getting along fine. We chatted about random things for a bit before Kenny said that me and him can finish up and that they can get back inside to get warm. Kenny put one more box of food on a cart and began pushing it back to the front until I remembered something I wanted to tell Kenny.

Y/N: Hey Kenny?

He stopped the cart and looked back at me.

Kenny: What's up kid?

Y/N: Can I talk to you about something?

Kenny: Of course, anything.

Y/N: Okay, now I know this is gonna sound weird and I didn't know who else to talk to about it. I couldn't talk to Clem cause it would be really awkward. Luke is nice, but I don't know him well enough to talk to about this "thing" I'm having.

Kenny: Well, What is it?

Y/N: *sigh* I started...growing hair on a certain part of my body. I know, your thinking this is super awkward but I just need to know why this is happening to me? I mean, like what is it? I just don't get it.

Kenny chuckled and looked down at the ground. I look at him in confusion and he looks back up at me.

Kenny: It just means your growing up, bud. It means your becoming a teenager. It's a perfectly natural part of growing up. Also, have you noticed how your voice sounds different a little bit?

Y/N: Yeah, now that you mention it. My voice is sounding somewhat different.

Kenny: Another part that changes in your body. All of that is natural. You'll be fine.

Y/N: Okay, I guess. Thanks, Kenny.

Kenny: Anytime, kiddo.

We both hugged each other and walked over to the front of the lodge. Kenny covered up the supplies underneath a tarp and strapped it down, so the rain doesn't make it useless. We walked in and I smelled that amazing smell of stew. I was taken back by it and Kenny noticed my reaction.

Kenny: *Chuckles* That the awful smell of the stew Arthur's cooking?

Arthur: I heard that Kenny! Least I don't make the bathroom smell like pig shit after when I'm finished in there!

He laughed and we walked over to our table. Luke and the rest of the group sat on one side while Clementine, Kenny, and Sarita sat on the other. Luke waved me over to sit with him and Nick and Kenny did the same. The answer was obvious of who I was gonna sit by. Sorry Luke, but I've known Kenny the longest. I sat next to Clementine with Kenny and Sarita sitting across from us. Just then, Arthur sat next to Clem with two bowls of that stew he made.

Arthur: Here you go, Y/N and Clementine.

He places the bowls in front of us. I picked up the spoon and scooped up some stew. I took a bite and was amazed at how incredible it tastes.

Y/N: Arthur, this is really good. What did you put in this?

Arthur: Only the finest herbs and spices on this side of the mountain. Do you like it?

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