Howes's market and new people.

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Clem's POV.

We are being escorted through this base that Carver and his people are in. I looked at the wall and it says Howe's market. We go through a door and I hate to admit it, they've turned this market into a fortress. There were at least 30 guards, as far as I know, working lights, shelf's that are full of food and the intercom is working as Carver was doing some speech through it. I didn't pay no mind to it and continued walking with the others.

Clem: Look at all this food.

Y/N: I know. This is enough food to last for maybe ten years.

Kenny: Just to let you kids know, this ain't no tour, Alright?

I shook off Kenny's response and we walked a little bit more until Troy spoke up.

Troy: Carlos, we need you for something. Come on.

Carlos: Can it wait till morning? We are all very exhausted.

Troy: No. You can take your taco break later. Now come on.

Carlos and Troy walk off from the rest of us.

Sarah: Wait, where you going? I need him! I need my dad! He...he looks after me!

Troy walked up to her with an angry expression.

Troy: You don't make the calls around here! Now walk.

I look back at Carlos and he's being escorted by more people. I look at Sarah, who's shaking in fear.

Clem: He'll be back Sarah.

Sarah: How do you know?

Y/N: Because their not gonna do anything to him. He's a doctor and they need him. He'll be okay Sarah.

Sarah: Thank you, guys. Your the best.

I smiled at her compliment and we come across a garage door. Bonnie unlocks it and looks back at us.

Bonnie: Don't be messing around by the fence. Bill can see you.

I look back at the office where Carver is as he continued to give out his speech. We walk in and there were a few chairs by a fire pit, reinforced walls, and beds. Troy came up and untied up from our restraints.

Troy: You little brats better get some shut-eye. Cause play times over. Y'all are gonna be working hard.

Y/N: *sarcastically* Will we be getting coupons for working hard?

Troy:*chuckles* You know, I'd've liked you just slightly if you weren't such a little shit.

Y/N glares at him as Troy shook it off and walks away.

Bonnie: Your beds are over there.

We look towards some of our beds. If you can call them that.

Rebecca: I knew it. Fucking Bill. Makes me sleep out in the cold. Least I'll be comfortable.

???: Heya, Becca.

We look to see a one-armed Indian man.

Rebecca: *gasp* Reggie?

She goes up to him and hugged him.

Rebecca: Oh Reggie, I'm sorry. What did they do to you?

Reggie: Oh this, it could've been worse. MUCH worse.

Nick: I'm sorry, man. It's my fault.

Reggie: No it ain't. This happened well after you guys left.

The walking dead S2 (Clem x male reader) Where stories live. Discover now