Out hunting.

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Y/N's POV.

It's a bright and sunny, but cold morning. Me, Clementine, Pete and Nick are heading down to the river to check out the fish traps. I look at Clem and she was looking at her bandaged arm.

Y/N: How does it feel?

Clem: A lot better than it was last night.

Y/N: Great. I just hope we get going before our conflict with half the group gets outta hand.

Clem: I like em. Well, most of them anyway.

Pete: Yeah, I heard Rebecca gave you two hell last night.

Y/N: What's her problem anyway? Aside from us.

Pete: Oh, she has a lot on her mind. Bringing a baby into this world, it'll put a lot of stress on you.

Clem: How much farther?

Pete: Not too far Now.

Clem looked at Pete's rifle. Pete took note of this and said.

Pete: Anybody teach you kids how to shoot? And I mean properly.

Y/N: I learned from a young age. My dad was a police officer. So he'd on occasion take me and my sister down to the shooting range.

Clem: Y/N and our other friend, Lee, taught me. Just not a rifle.

Pete: Well that's good. That's real important nowadays.

Y/N: Yea and maybe I can teach you how to use a rifle.

She smiled at me in return and I return the response with a smile. We continued to walk down the path to the river. We walked through a fence and over a small creek. Pete then said.

Pete: Nick was about your age when I first took him hunting. We were in our deer stand and after a while, this beautiful ten-point buck comes out of the trees.

Pete holds his rifle up and aims it and says.

Pete: He lines up the shot like I taught him and...He starts sulking about not wanting to shoot the thing. Saying "Please Uncle Pete, Don't make me shoot it! I don't wanna!"

Y/N: That poor sad little man.

Pete smiles and chuckled at my joke. That's when Nick came running down the path after we left him when he was taking too long from his piss break.

Nick: Why didn't you wait for me?!

Pete: We weren't gonna wait for you while you take a leak. And you know the way, Boah.

We turn and keep walking down to the river.

Pete: So anyway, he didn't wanna take the shot. So I tried to grab the rifle from him and he nearly shot my damn guts out! Of course, the buck got away.

Nick: Why the hell are you telling them that story for?!

Pete: Because you nearly shot this poor girl's face off. It seems relevant, don't you? Trying to tell her that it isn't anything personal.

Nick then got closer to Pete's face and said.

Nick: Why Do you always give me shit?

Pete: Because you give everyone else shit!

Nick: Hey, I apologized to them okay?!

Pete: Well Good. I didn't even know that!

Clem: Can we please calm down and get to the river?

Nick: You always embarrass me!

Pete: You do that to yourself!

Nick was taken back by this. So he shoves Pete slightly and walks down the trail.

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