Group bonding.

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Y/N's POV.

We've been walking all day and we have not seen one house yet, until we came across this electrical power station.

Kenny: Hey rusky, is that it?

Arvo: What? It? It what?

Kenny: Don't bullshit me, is that the place you've been taking us too?!

Jane: He don't speak much English.

Y/N: I think he speaks perfect English.

Clem: Arvo, is that the place your taking us too?

Arvo: No, it's not. It's much further. More walk.

Kenny: Goddamn it! I knew this shit would happen! This guy fucked us!

Bonnie: Maybe we should stop for the night. It's getting dark.

Kenny: This is bullshit!

Jane: Kenny, Calm down!

Kenny: Don't tell me to calm down! This assholes been lying to us this whole time! Leading us to fucking nowhere!

Mike: You don't know that!

Clem: Can we Please stop fighting for once!!!

We all fell silent and turned our attention to Clementine.

Clem: Now, I think that power station down there is a good place to sleep for the night.

Kenny: What If it's another trap full of walkers?

Y/N: If it was, we'd probably hear them asking for dinner right now. Plus, that fence seems secure.

Kenny: Maybe...

Clem: Can we Please have a nice, Calm and quiet night?

Bonnie: That would be nice.

Luke: Yeah, it would.

A.J then started to cry a little.

Kenny: There there. It's alright, Alvin Junior. Hey Clem, Can you try and calm him down? I'm gonna head down there and make sure this place were staying at is safe. The rest of you, stay here.

Jane: I'll go with you.

Kenny put A.J in her arms and him and Jane walk down the hill. Clem then started to rock him back and forth, but he refused to calm down. I then walked to her and looked at A.J. I thought for a minute and made a funny face to make him laugh. He stops crying and starts to laugh a little.

Clem: Nice work.

Y/N: Nothing like a bit of humor to make a baby like him smile.

Clem: I thought he would be scared by that face of yours.

Y/N: Whats That supposed to mean?

Clem: Nothing, I'm messing with you.

Bonnie: Well, What ever He did, he made him calm right down. That's a good sign.

Clem: He's cute.

Bonnie: He is, ain't he? Most baby's are pretty ugly when they are first born.

Mike: Thats true. They look like weird little aliens.

Y/N: Yeah, I saw a picture of my sister when she was a baby. Man, she was an incredibly ugly baby.

Bonnie: Here, Let me take him, Clem.

Kenny: Alright, come on down, y'all. It's safe.

We go down the hill to the power station.

Later that night.

The walking dead S2 (Clem x male reader) Where stories live. Discover now