New day.

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No one's POV.

Troy walked over to Clem and kicked her slightly and she looked up at him.

Clem: Don't kick me! It's rude!

Troy: Whatever. Bill wants a word with all of you. Wake up your boyfriend above you.

Troy walked off and Clementine got up and saw her best friend, Y/N sleeping like a baby. She shook him and he sat up.

Y/N: *Yawn* What's going on?

Clem: Carver wants a word with us.

Y/N sighed and got off the bunk. The kids walk over to the rest of the group and the door opened. It was Carver with some other guards.

Carver: There's been some increased walker activity along the fence, so be mindful when outside the walls. The herd has moved closer to our base, but that doesn't mean we'll be hit. Now...I know you're a little upset at what happened yesterday, but that's all in the past now. So some of you are new to my community. Others are runaways. But know that you can find your redemption here. Forgiveness, through what will undoubtedly be hard work.

As Carver continued his speech, Sarah leans over to Y/N and Clem and says.

Sarah: How did you guys sleep? I was so tired. I beds aren't very comfortable.

Clem: Pay attention. We'll talk later.

Sarah: Okay, sure. I just thought that-.

Y/N: *quietly* Sarah, shut up!

Carver: Carlos!

They all jump at Carver. He looks at Carlos dead in the eye and said.

Carver: Your daughter seems to be in need of correction.

Carlos: Right, um. Sarah. Say..say you're sorry to Mr. Carver.

Sarah: *nervously* I'm sorry, sir.

Carver: Oh no. That won't cut it. I can't have this kind of behavior on day one of your reform. You discipline that child.

Carlos: How do you propose I do that?

Carver: Give her a good smack. Across her face. Maybe that will teach her and the other kids to not rudely interrupt me during my speech. Go ahead, we've got all morning.

Everyone stood still at Carver's order. Y/N and Clem looked at Sarah with fear and worry.

Carlos: I'm not sure with my hand I could-.

Carver: Well that's why God gave you two hands. And don't give any slap on the wrist type of force. A good hard one. Otherwise, I'll have Troy do it. You wouldn't want that. He can be a little...overzealous. Is that the word I'm looking for Troy?

Troy: If it means I'll go to slap her pretty little face, then yes.

Clem: It was my fault!

Troy: Hey! No one's fuckin talking to you!

Carver waved his hand at him, telling him to let it go. He looks over at Y/N and Clem.

Carver: Make sure you kids pay close attention to what happens when you don't listen to me.

Carlos looks at Sarah, who was shaking at what was about to happen.

Carlos: Close your eyes, honey. It's only gonna hurt for a second.

Carlos hesitated to do it.

Carver: Do it!

Carlos raised his hand and smacked his daughter hard to the floor and she screamed in pain. Carlos looks down at his daughter, who now had a big red mark on her face and was crying.

The walking dead S2 (Clem x male reader) Where stories live. Discover now