What's really under his shell.

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Clem's POV.

I'm cold, lost, and tired. I've been making my way through this winter apocalypse and killing walkers that were in my way. I thought I would be walking through this until I either froze to death or got eaten by a walker until I Can across what looks like a rest stop. Kenny said that we should meet up if things go wrong. So, I made my way to the bathrooms and opened the door to see Kenny.

Clem: Kenny!

Kenny: Oh Clem, thank god! You alright?

I nodded in response while rubbing my arms together.

Kenny: Where's Y/N? Did you see him out there?

Clem: No, what happened back on the highway?

Kenny: Walkers came out of nowhere and me and Y/N got separated in the storm. But where's A.J?

Clem: Jane's got him.

Kenny: You left him with her?! Where is she?!

I shrug my shoulders. Kenny then ran outside and called out Jane and Y/N's name. I looked behind me and see something in the fog. I looked closely and it's Jane.

Clem: Kenny, I see something!

Kenny ran back inside.

Kenny: Oh thank Christ!

As Jane got closer, I noticed she isn't carrying the baby. Oh no...Kenny opened the door for her.

Kenny: You Okay?!

Jane didn't say nothing. She just had a puzzled look on her face.

Kenny: Where is the kid?!

Jane: I'm...He's...

Clem: Jane, What did you do?

Kenny: No...No..NO!!

Kenny ran outside to hopefully find something I hope isn't true.

Clem: No. Not again...

Jane looked back and got down to my level and put her hands on my shoulders.

Jane: Clem, Listen to me. No matter what happens...Just stay out of it...

Clem: How could you just let this happen?!

Jane: You have to trust me. Your gonna see what he really is...

I pull away from her grasp.

Clem: Stay out of what?! What are you talking about?!

Just then, I saw Kenny, marching back with his eyes set on Jane. This is not gonna end well...

Clem: Kenny...?

Kenny: Get outta my way!

He pushes me aside.

Kenny: How could you kill a fucking Baby?!

He try's to punch Jane but she dodged it. She pulls out her knife.

Jane: I didn't kill him! It was an accident, Kenny!


Clem: Jane, Don't! Just don't...

Jane: I'm not letting this crazy fuck anywhere near me, Clementine!

Kenny: I don't need permission!

They both do a stare down before Jane puts away her knife.

Jane: Don't you come near me, you crazy son of a bitch!

Suddenly, Kenny tackles her against the glass door. He has her pinned up against the door as she pushes his face and knocks his bandage and hat off.


Kenny: FUCK YOU!!!


They ignore me and continue to tussle with each other. I tried to pull them away from each other by pulling on Kenny's arm. Jane gets out of his grip and punches Kenny to the floor. She throws punches at him as he try's to block them with his arms. I grabbed Jane's arm and pull her off of him. Kenny went for her but she quickly pulled out her knife and sliced him in the stomach. Kenny backs up outside and Jane gets up after him.


Kenny: Piece Of shit...!

I get in between them to stop them from killing each other. I go up to Jane and push her away from Kenny.

Jane: Get out of the way!

She pushes me to the ground and Jane tackles Kenny through one of the signs. Kenny try's to go for her knife but she flips him over and puts her fingers deeply in his exposed eye.




She ignores me again.

Clem: LISTEN TO ME!!!!!

Kenny: GET HER OFF!!!!

I grabbed Jane again and pulled her off him. Kenny then grabbed her knife and stabbed her in the leg. This caused Jane to bump into me and I trip on one of the play-sets. I fell into the snow hard and felt my gunshot wound bleeding again. I sat up and saw Kenny on top of Jane, trying to stab her with her knife but Jane is resisting.



I saw my gun on the floor and was thinking about ending this, when a gunshot went off and it hit the ground, next to Kenny and Jane. Kenny gets off her and stands straight up. We all look to where the gunshot came from. The fog started to clear up and I could see someone carrying something. I looked closer and it's Y/N, holding A.J in his left arm and his gun in his right arm. Jane struggles to get up. Y/N gets closer to us and he gives Jane a death stare.

Jane: I can explain, everythi-.

Suddenly, he shoots her in the head! Me and Kenny stood still in shock as the storm cleared and we could hear A.J's cry's. We all looked at Y/N in fear and confusion.

Kenny: Is A.J Okay?!

Y/N: He's fine.

Kenny: Let me see him!

He gives him to Kenny and he puts it up to his face as if he's hugging it. I go up to Y/N.

Clem: I thought Jane might've killed him!

Kenny: I was thinking the same thing too! That's why I was so fired up! She never wanted this baby around. She made that clear!

Clem: I guess, but, why would she?!

Y/N: She was out of her mind! All she wanted was to fight! She cared for no one but herself!

Kenny: Exactly! She could've stopped by saying that he was alive! Listen, I would never, ever, do anything to hurt you or Y/N or the baby, I was protecting all three of you! You believe me, right?

Y/N: Course i Do.

Clem: Me too.

Kenny: Okay, Thanks.

He got down to our level and hugged us both. He got up and went back inside to get his hat and bandage. I look down at Jane's dead body.

Y/N: I really didn't wanna do that, Clem. But once I figured out what she was doing, I had to stop her.

Clem: It's okay. I believe you.

Kenny comes back out with his hat and bandage on.

Kenny: Come on, let's make some distance with this place.

The walking dead S2 (Clem x male reader) Where stories live. Discover now