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Y/N's POV.

We pushed through the tree line and saw the civil war sight and Bonnie and Mike are there. We walked across the parking lot to them and they looked at us surprised.

Mike: Thank god! We were getting worried no one else made it! Well, most of us anyway...

He looks behind him and Kenny's sitting by himself on the big statue. This is gonna be tough to talk to him after what I did to Sarita.

Y/N: How's he doing?

Mike and Bonnie both look at each other and back to us.

Mike: I tried to talk to him but he flipped out on me. Started screaming. Pretty scary shit.

Bonnie: He's going through a lot right now. But yeah, pretty scary.

Mike: Someone needs to do something. We can't just sit here.

Y/N: Me and Clem have seen him like this before.

Clem: It's our fault what happened to Sarita. We should talk to him.

Jane: Hey. Don't beat yourselves up over it. You did what you thought was right. I think that's the only answer to that kind of situation.

We both nod at her and we walk over to Kenny. We got closer and he's really gripping his gun.

Y/N: *sigh* You ready?

Clem: Yeah.

We walk up to him and he's talking to himself.

Kenny: Sarita, baby...where ever you are, Please forgive me. I can't be alone again.

Y/N and Clem: Hi, Kenny.

He looks up at us with an expressionless face.

Kenny: You don't think I know what y'all are talking about over there?! "What's wrong with Kenny?" "Whys he acting like that?" "Why is he acting crazy?" That's pretty much I hear from people nowadays...

Y/N: We're really sorry about Sarita-.

Kenny: Sorry, huh? Well, that's real kind of you kids, seeing that it was your fault.

Clem: There was nothing we could do!

Kenny: With What Just happened, I think it'll be preferable if you don't do anything.

Y/N: We tried to help her!

Kenny: You think Because your just a Little boy and girl, you can just get people killed and no one will care. That because your "sorry" that it'll all go away like nothing happened?!

We both stepped back from his outburst and Clem held her arms together.

Kenny: That's not how it works!

We both then stepped back a second time. I feel like crying because the closest thing I have for a father is yelling at me, but I kept in the tears.

Kenny: Now do me a favor and get the fuck outta here and leave me be!

We sadly nodded and walked over to the rest of the group with sad expressions.

Rebecca: How'd it go?

We both look back at Kenny.

Y/N: How do you think it went?

Clem: He's really mad at us.

Rebecca: Well, after what just happened, you can't just expect him to just bounce back from that. And at least you tried talking to him.

Mike: That doesn't help us with what we're gonna do now. We have no food or water. Shelter. It's getting so goddamn cold and we're losing daylight.

Bonnie: When everyone else makes it back, we'll figure it out from there. Luke might have an idea.

Mike: I thought Kenny would have a plan.

Rebecca: Guys...

Jane: He's right. We can't just sit here and wait. Things are hard enough right now and soon we're gonna have a baby on our hands.

Rebecca: Oh so now you're concerned about my child!

Y/N: Everyone chill! Now here's what I think we should do. Some of us should go out and find the others. While the rest wait here and keep things calm.

Jane: That's What I was just thinking. I think me, you and Clementine should go. You two seem to know your ways out here.

Clem: We've been out here for two years so yeah, we've learned some things.

Jane: That's Good. Rebecca, you've got something to protect yourself with?

She pulls out Carver's revolver.

Jane nods and looks back at the trail behind her.

Jane: They can't be too far now. We'll head back that way and see if we can find them.

Y/N: Okay, Well What are we waiting for? Let's go find our friends.

I said as I load my pistol. We walk down the trail where we came from and walked down it in search of the rest of our friends.

The walking dead S2 (Clem x male reader) Where stories live. Discover now