Patching up.

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No ones POV.

The group walked down the long and cold forest for about half an hour. They continued until Luke stumbles and shouts in pain.

Y/N: You Alright?!

Luke: Fucking...*groan* Yeah, I just..really need to take a break...

Bonnie: Yeah, Kenny, Luke needs to rest for a minute.

Kenny: Alright, you wait there!

He ordered Arvo but he kept walking.

Kenny: Hey, Smirnoff! What I say?!

He grabs Arvo in the back of the neck and pushes him to the ground.

Kenny: When I say stop, I fucking mean it!

Mike: Kenny, lay off him for fucks sake!

Clem: He's getting what he deserves!

Mike: He deserves to be treated like a human being. That's all I'm saying!

Y/N: "Treated like a human being?!" That doesn't exists anymore, Mike! And after what he did, it's his fault!

Bonnie: He lost all of his people in one failed swoop! Ain't much more we can do to him that will be worse than that! So please, Kenny, just be easy on him.

Y/N then scuffed in disapproval and walked off, into the woods, shaking his head. Clem then try's to follow him but Jane puts her hand on her shoulder.

Jane: Clem, just let him go. He needs time to cool off.

Clem watched her friend walk off into the woods. She sighed and looks towards the rest of the group.

Mike: I'm gonna have a word with Kenny. See if I can try and calm him down a little. That kid doesn't deserve that kinda treatment.

Bonnie: Yeah, you go on. I got Clem if I need anything. Here, take the baby.

Mike: Um, okay...

She gently put A.J in Mike's arms and he walks to Kenny. Bonnie goes over to Luke, who was sitting on a fallen tree and kneels to his level.

Bonnie: What is it with you men?

Luke: What?

Bonnie: Every man I've known always tried to let the other one know how tough they are. Put them in their place. Bunch of alpha male, dominate bullshit! It all ends the same way.

Luke: Now Hey, i ain't that kinda guy.

Bonnie: Sure, but, you've gotten you fair share of pissing matches too.

Clem: Not every guy is like that. There are good men too. Like Y/N, he's not always this aggressive. He's very kind and smart. He just does what he needs to, to protect his friends.

Luke: I know he's a good kid. But after what Carver did to him, I think it's changed him a little.

Bonnie: Yeah, I mean, I've never seen a kid his age that aggressive towards people. I'm worried about what he'll do when he's older.

Clem: Don't worry. I'll make sure he doesn't become something no one can stop.

Bonnie: Thats Good.

Luke looks up at Kenny and sees Jane over there, talking to the two men.

Luke: Guess it took a woman to talk some sense into them. Looks like Janes trying to break it up.

Bonnie: Hey Clementine, can you keep pressure on his wound? I'm gonna grab some bandages.

Clem: Sure.

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