A bomb waiting to go off.

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Clem's POV.

I open my eyes, trying to adjust and figure out where I am. I'm in the truck and Kenny's driving, while Jane is holding A.J in the front seat and Y/N is sitting next to me.

Y/N: On the left!

Kenny: Shit!

Kenny swerves the truck a little.

Jane: Jesus, slow down!

Kenny: Shut up!

Y/N looks at me.

Y/N: Shes awake!

I sat up and felt a pain on my right shoulder. I looked and see a big red stain on my coat.

Jane: Hey, you.

Kenny: Clem! Oh thank god, your okay!

Clem: What happened?

Y/N: Arvo shot you.

Jane: We had to run the truck to try to keep you warm. How you feeling?

Y/N: She just got shot. How do you think she feels?

Jane: Okay. Sorry! Just asking...

Y/N: We couldn't find the bullet. Must've went clean through. You'll be fine.

We both smiled at each other.

Kenny: Those sons of bitch's! I expected it from the Russian. But Mike and Bonnie? I could tell that they was planning something.

Jane: I didn't think they would go that far...

Clem: Where are they?

Kenny: Y/N shot the asshat who shot you. As for Mike and Bonnie, I hope they freeze their asses off out here! Luckily, they didn't take this truck, though we need more gas.

Jane: Now That Shes awake, we need to discuss on where we're going.

Kenny: We're looking for Wellington.

Jane: You mean "fairy land?"

Kenny: You sure talk a load of shit, you know that? You've got a better idea?

Jane: I say we go back down south, to Howe's.

Kenny: Carvers camp?! The fuck kinda plan is that?!

Y/N: I'm not going back to that hell hole, even if you forced me. Plus, imagine the amount of walkers are there!

Jane: We can either take them all out, or we could just sneak in there with walker guts and look for what we need. Bonnie said that place has baby formula, which is the most we're missing from our stock. On top of that, we actually know where it is.

Clem: Wellington is out here, Jane. We just need to look for it.

Jane: You guys can't be serious about this!

Kenny: I think Their minds have been made up, Jane!

Jane: Y/N, Clem, this plan is suicide.

Kenny: Why don't you let them think for themselves for once?

Jane: Why don't you?!

Kenny: ME?!

Jane: Even If there's something out here, we could take days trying to find it! By then, A.J will have died of starvation and none of this will have mattered!

Kenny: That ain't gonna happen! I tell you what, we'll go where you want, once you pry my cold, death grip hands off this here steering wheel. How's that sound?

The walking dead S2 (Clem x male reader) Where stories live. Discover now