Amongest the dead.

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No one's POV.

Outside of Howe's is a total warzone. Gunfire and groans from the thousands of walkers were stumbling towards the establishment. Everyone inside the building was firing their weapons, trying to defend their home. Except for a handful of people. Once they got outside, they were shocked by the number of walkers.

Kenny: Shit! I thought that they were coming from the south!

Rebecca: They did...looks like we're in the eye of it.

Nick: Oh man, we ain't gonna make it through this!

Luke: Come on, Nick. If a kid can make it through a horde this big, so can you!

Luke looks over at Clementine and Y/N and hands them some weapons. He gives Clementine a hatchet and gives Y/N a big survival knife.

Luke: You two are gonna need a weapon.

Clem and Y/N: Thanks.

A walker was approaching the two kids and Clem hit the walker with her hatchet and it falls to the floor in front of them. Just then, they look over and see Jane gutting a walker.

Y/N: Are you sure this will work?

Clem: I'm still standing here, ain't I?

Y/N: Okay, far point.

Clem takes her hatchet and guts the walker. The young children immediately smelled the foul smell of the dead corpse.

Sarah: Are we really gonna put this on ourselves?!

Clem: We have to Sarah!

Y/N: It's the only way. Clem, get my back.

Clementine covers her friend with the guts and he did the same with her back. Y/N turned to Sarah with some guts while Sarah looks in horror at what was about to happen.

Sarah: Smells So grody!

Y/N: Would you rather smell good and be dead or smell bad and be alive?

Sarah doesn't say anything and stood still as he rubbed the guts on front and back.

Jane: Will you guys hurry the fuck up!

Kenny: They're almost on top of us. Let's get a move on.

Troy: What in the actual fuck is going on here?!

They all turn to see Troy, holding Y/N's pistol.

Troy: Somebody better start talking before I-.

Luke try's to go for the AK but Troy spots him.

Troy: HEY HEY HEY! Don't you even fucking try it, motherfucker! I will end you, you hear?!

Jane sighs and stands up with both her arms up.

Jane: Troy...we talked about this.

She gets closer to Troy as he backs away from her.

Troy: What? The hell you talking about?!

Jane: I told you I wanted to get out. You said that if I'd help you, then you'd help me.

Troy: I thought you said out of the pen! Not whatever this sick shit is!

Jane: I did. Troy, you can come with us...with me.

Just then, some walkers passed the group, confirming that the camouflage does work.

Troy: Well...where would we go?

Jane: Anywhere. Just you and me.

Troy: Okay. You smell really bad though. You gotta get a bath before we-.

Y/N: We don't have time for this!

Just then, Y/N came up behind Jane and shot Troy...RIGHT IN THE MOTHER FUCKING BALLS!!! Troy drops to the floor, holding his non-existing balls while screaming. Y/N picks up his father's gun and walks back towards the group, where they all had shocked expressions at the boy's sudden action.

Y/N: Let's Go.

They all began to walk amongst the dead as Troys satisfying screams fill the air along with the gunfire and groans from the walkers. It was going pretty smoothly until Sarah started to whimper.

Carlos: Shhh, it's okay sweetheart. Clem, Y/N, say something to try and calm her. You're her friend.

Clem: Sarah, Listen to me and Y/N's voice. Your gonna be-.

Suddenly, Carlos gets shot in the ear and stumbles a bit into a few walkers and chomps down on him. Sarah screams at her father's death. Bonnie then started to shoot at some walkers.

Bonnie: Clementine, Y/N, get Sarah!

The two look and see Sarah running off.

Y/N: Goddamn it Sarah!

The boy runs after her, leaving Clementine in the sea of the dead.

Clem's POV.

I saw Y/N run after Sarah. I tried to follow him, but a walker was in my way. So i sliced its face and continued into Y/N's direction. I walked slowly through the walking graveyard And I couldn't see anyone. Just the undead. That's when I bumped into someone, it's Y/N!

Clem: *quietly* Y/N, where's Sarah?

He didn't respond, he just stood as still as a statue and had a shocked expression on his face.

Clem: What is it?

Suddenly, he raised his gun in the air and aimed it at a walker.

Clem: No, no, Y/N what are you doing?!

Y/N's POV.

No, it couldn't be. It's not. It' father, as a walker. I heard someone call my name but it was a merely an echo, so I ignored it. I raised my gun at my undead father and lightly pulled on the trigger...


The walking dead S2 (Clem x male reader) Where stories live. Discover now