The return.

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Y/N's POV.

One hour later.

After what happened on the roof, Tavia sent me and Clementine on different jobs. She sent me to work with Kenny and Mike. So far, Mike and Kenny ain't getting along so far. They worked on the wall that kept the walkers out while I handed them the tools and made sure of how many walkers were outside. Mike got up and said.

Mike: I'll be back, I've gotta go take a piss break. And don't stop working, alright? I don't want Troy on my ass again!

He walked off and Kenny went back to working on the wall. He did this for a while until he turned to me and said.

Kenny: You Okay, Y/N?

He must've seen the sadness in my face.

Y/N: Yea, I'm fine. Why?

Kenny: It's Just That you're a lot more quiet than usual. Is something on your mind? Aside from the fact that we're imprisoned by psycho as our warden.

Y/N: It's Just That, Reggie's dead Because of me...

Kenny: No! Don't you even say that! It isn't your fault, It's Carvers!

Y/N: I know! I just wished I could've done so
something to prevent it.

Kenny: Listen to me, son.

He puts his hands on my arms.

Kenny: Don't Let That shit get into your head. Not everyone is savable. I've come to realize that now family passed. But that doesn't mean you can't try your damnedest to save the ones you care about.

Y/N: I know that. I don't want everyone else to die Kenny. We've lost too much now.

Kenny: That ain't gonna happen. I won't let it. If Carver puts his hands on you or Clementine, I'll put a crowbar to his damn face.

Y/N: Right. And I would do the same.

Kenny: *chuckles* Um, why don't you let me handle that part once we get outta here.

We both hugged each other.

Y/N: I'm having a bit of Deja Vu.

Kenny: Of What?

Y/N: You kinda told me the same thing about Larry when we stayed in that hotel.

Kenny: Oh yeah, him. He was an asshole.

Y/N: I know!

We share a laugh when Mike came back, looking all pissed at Kenny.

Mike: What the fuck?! I told you to work, not to talk!

Kenny: Well, I'm sorry that I'm just trying to make a scared little boy feel better!

Mike: That ain't gonna help us from finishing this wall!

Mike looked at me.

Mike: Why don't you just fuck off, kid?! Since you ain't gonna help us!

Kenny stormed towards him and pushed him lightly.

Kenny: Why don't you just leave him alone, huh?! He's just scared!

Mike: That ain't no excuse to work!

They continued to argue as the door opened. It was Clementine carrying a bucket. She ran over to me as I see Kenny pin Mike against the glass.


Kenny: Or What? Your gonna tell on me?!

Clem: Kenny, stop!

Kenny: I will...once this asshole stops hassling us!

Mike: I'm just trying to help us from getting into any more trouble!

That's when the glass started to break.

Y/N: Watch out!

The glass breaks and walkers start to pour in. We all separated and grabbed something we can use to defend ourselves. I saw a hatchet in the toolbox and grabbed it. A walker was about to grab me when I lodged it in its face. The hatchet was stuck in the walker's head. I tried to get it out but I couldn't. So I ran to find something else to use. That's when I saw Clem trapped behind a shelf, with a walker in there with her. I acted quickly and helped her out from the shelf. As I got her free, I timed it right and pushed the shelf and it landed on the walker's head. Three more walkers where on us, so we went into the back room for more weapons to use. I grabbed a screwdriver and stabbed a walker in the head with it. As I killed it, it landed on top of me and that's when the last walker was approaching us. I and Clem tried to push the walker off of me until an arrow came flying in and hit the walker in the head. We get the walker off me and Troy walked in all pissed off as usual.

Troy: Come on, get up! Make me have to save your useless asses, Goddamn!

We walk up to Kenny and Mike as Kenny hugged me.

Kenny: Your Alright?

I nodded.

Troy: Alright, enough with the mushy shit! You kids get back inside! I'm sure they've got something better for you to do.

Y/N: You sure? Cause I was enjoying nearly getting killed and hearing you bitch at us afterward.

Troy: NOW!!!

We walk out the door and go through the outside that leads to the inside. We pass by a comic shop and that's when someone grabbed us. I tried to wiggle out his grip until he let us go. It was Luke!

Y/N and Clem: Luke?!

Luke: Did you miss me?

Clementine hugged him.

Luke: I'll take that as a yes then...

Y/N: Where the hell have you been?

Luke: I've been on y'alls trail since you were nabbed. I haven't had a good night's rest since then. Now listen, we don't have much time.

Y/N: What are you saying?

Luke got up and said.

Luke: There's a herd of walkers. Just east of us. It's the biggest one I've ever seen! And I know it's gonna hit this place and it's gonna hit it hard.

Clem: Carver said something about that. He hopes it passes.

Luke: Well that's not gonna be the case. It's gonna hit this place in two days may be less I'm not sure.

He goes over to the door to make sure there are no more guards. That's when I saw a comic on the counter. It was Resident Evil: Issue # two. I then remembered that Duck used to like these comics but I paid no mind to it. Luke walks back up to us.

Luke: Now Troys not gonna like you two being late.

Y/N: I don't think he likes anything to be honest.

Luke: Yeah, You're not wrong about that. Anyway, so here's what needs to happen. I need one of you two to get me a walkie the guards use. I'll use it to update y'all on how close the hordes getting and what the guard's patrol schedules are. We can't leave here shooting up the place so we'll have to leave quietly.

Clem: Where do we get one?

Luke: I think they keep 'em in the stock room, on the charging stations at night.

Troy: Clementine! Y/N! Get on out here now!

Luke: Let the others know I'm okay. Be safe.

Before me and Clem left, I said screw it and grabbed the comic off the counter and hid it in my jacket. We walked out and Troy came over to us.

Troy: The fuck were you two doing?!

Clem: We were looking at comics.

Y/N: Yeah, there's a lot of good ones-.

Troy: I don't give a flying fuck if you two were kissing or whatever the hell kids do! Now Clementine, Bill wants you in his office.

Y/N: What for?

Troy: I don't know! As for you, go back to the rest area. They need help on the wall. Now go!

We ran back inside and separated to our places that we needed to go.

The walking dead S2 (Clem x male reader) Where stories live. Discover now