Still. Not. Bitten!

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No one's POV.

Y/N climbed into the shed and saw Clementine standing by the hole in the wall.

Y/N: Got everything we need. How's your arm?

Clem: It hurts when I move it.

Y/N: I can't imagine Clem. Let's get this over with.

He put all the stuff he obtained in the cabin and put it all on the workbench.

Y/N: I found some juice for you. If you're thirsty.

Clementine grabs the juice box and slurps it till it was empty. Y/N looked at her wide-eyed.

Clem: Sorry.

Y/N: It's okay. You're the injured one here.

She walked over to the workbench and put her arm on it, next to the medical supplies.

Clem: This. Is going to Suck!

Y/N: Yea, but don't worry. Doctor Y/N is here to help you.

Clem raised an angry eyebrow at him.

Y/N: That was a joke. It was meant to keep you at ease.

Clem shook her head at his stupid joke. Y/N took the peroxide and twist the cap off. He easily dropped some of the liquid on her arm and the pain was unbearable for her. She screamed and groaned in pain.

Y/N: Okay okay. There you go. You're okay.

Clem: I won't be once the real fun begins.

She said as she looked at the needle and thread. Y/N looks at it with worry but he composed himself and put the thread on the needle and looked at Clem.

Clem: Just Like last time. Just like Katja showed us.

Y/N: I promise it won't be pretty.

Clem: Shut up and just do it.

Y/N nodded and slowly started to suture her wound. Once he put the needle in the bite area, Clementine screams and squirms around and slams her fist on the workbench.

Y/N: Stop moving! I know it hurts but I don't wanna make it worse.

Clementine put her arm back on the table and Y/N held her arm down to prevent her from moving. He continued to suture her arm and it was tough, due to him hearing his friends screams and groans. She held onto his arm and squeezed it in pain. Once he finished stitching up her arm up, he wrapped the bandage around her arm. She looked at it and sighed.

Y/N: I would give you a lollipop-

Clem: Y/N!

Y/N: Okay, sorry. I was just trying to-

Before he could say anything, a walker grabbed his leg from the hole in the wall and tried to bite the young boy. He started kicking at the walker until Clem hit the Walker on the head with a brick she found on the floor and it let go of his leg. The walker crawled through the hole and stood up and started stumbling towards the two kids. Clementine grabbed the metal rake and pushed the walker into the anchor and it impaled it. Y/N saw a hammer on the workbench and grabbed it. He began repeatedly hit the Walker on the head before hitting it with the nail remover end of the tool. He tried to remove it but it was stuck in the skull of the Walker. He painted and put his hands on his knees.

Y/N: Man...!

Clem: You okay?

Y/N: I'm alright. Thanks.

Clem: No problem.

That's when the shed opened and the group from the cabin was on the other side.

Luke: Holy shit!

Alvin: What in the?

Nick: How the hell did it get in there?

Pete: Those kids are as tough as nails!

Carlos: You kids okay?

Clem: I'm still! Not! Bitten! I never was!

Y/N: And you left us both in here to die!

Luke looked at Clementine's arm and saw the bandage.

Luke: You patched yourself up?

Nick: How did you get that stuff?!

Rebecca: I fuckin told you guys we can trust these brats! They stole from us!

Pete: That doesn't change a damn thing! They didn't do anything wrong to us.

Y/N: Yes. I stole the supplies and I'm sorry, but you didn't really give us much of a choice.

Rebecca was about to bitch at him until Carlos said.

Carlos: Come on inside. I'll take a look at your arm.

They all walked back to the house and Luke asked them.

Luke: You kids hungry?

Clem and Y/N looked at him like he was stupid. Luke got the message and nodded and they walked back to the cabin.

The walking dead S2 (Clem x male reader) Where stories live. Discover now