Green house.

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Clem's POV.

We walk upstairs to the roof to see a small greenhouse that Reggie mentioned last night. We go into the greenhouse and there's what looks like some herbs and other stuff for cooking.

Tavia: Don't touch anything yet. Ill Reggie up to help you kids with your job.

She closes the door and leaves us alone in the greenhouse. That's when we heard someone crying around the corner. We walked around and saw Sarah, curled up in a ball and still crying. We go over to her and I crouch down to her level.

Clem: You Okay, Sarah?

She doesn't respond and just continues crying.

Y/N: Sarah, I know this worlds gonna be hard on you. But that's the world we-.

I nudge him lightly in the belly to shut him up. She looks up at me and wipes a tear away.

Sarah: dads has never hit me before. *sniff* Even if I was really bad.

Clem: Carver was the one that hit you, not your dad.

She looks at me confused at what I said.

Clem: I know it sounds weird but your dad never wanted to hit you, Sarah. Carver made him do it. He's the bad guy.

Y/N: Plus, Troy would've been worse. Way, way worse.

Sarah: you know?

Y/N: I saw it his eyes. I can tell when someone's wanting to hurt me or someone else really bad.

Sarah: Okay, I guess. Either way, Carver hit me super hard then. Cause it still hurts like crazy.

Y/N: Yeah, I know that feeling...

Sarah: I just don't understand why people are so rude to each other! When I get like really mad, I don't wanna hurt anyone!

Clem: The world has changed Sarah. So has other people. Whether we like it or not, we're stuck in it now and we can't get out of it.

Just then, Reggie came in.

Troy: Don't Go fucking up now, you hear?

Reggie: Got it.

Troy: Reggie's In Charge here. Make sure you listen this time, got it?

We just did a slight nod and he left us with Reggie.

Reggie: Okay, gang. The camp is counting on us so we need to do a good job here. Follow me.

We go over to a table and he picks up some sheers. We do the same. I look and saw Sarah just staring at hers.

Reggie: Okay What we're doing is really easy. All you have to do is cut down these barrys and put them in this basket. While your at it, cut down the dead ones so we can use them for burning. Got it?

We nod at his instructions and we go to our places. Reggie walked with me to my work area.

Reggie: Hey is your friends gonna be okay? I mean, what Carver made Carlos do was straight fucked up! As for Y/N, I don't know. It's like there's something inside that boy that is about to burst and, Well frankly he kinda scares me when he gives someone a death stare.

Clem: I'll keep an eye on Sarah.

Reggie: Okay but what about Y/N?

I look over and see that he's hard at work. I'm not too sure what Reggie's talking about, but I might have an idea.

Clem: I've known him for over two years. I'm sure he's gonna be okay. I'll make sure of that.

Reggie: Good Good. Cause I'm like at the lowest ranking at that stuff. Carver has been on my ass ever since I've helped those guys escape so all I'm asking is that you do a good job.

I nod in agreement. He then pats me on my head. Umm...what?

Reggie: That was beyond awkward. I will never do that again and I am sorry. I'll be working now.

I began working and I look over at Sarah, who hasn't even started yet. I look up at Y/N and we both nodded. He walks over to her and begins helping her. I smile at his action and I continue my job.

(Did you guys help Sarah or did your own work?)

Five minutes later.

I finished my branch and Y/N didn't do his yet. I look over and he's still helping Sarah.

Y/N: This isn't that hard, Sarah.

Sarah: I'm sorry. I just don't wanna make a mistake.

Y/N: Hey, don't beat yourself up over this. The more you try, the better you get at this.

I then heard the door that leads to the building open and it was Carver coming our way.

Reggie: Oh shit.

Reggie checks our stations and saw that Y/N didn't even start his.

Reggie: Why the hell didn't you start yet, Y/N!?

Just then, Carver came in.

Carver: Hey Reg. Just checking in and seeing how the kids are doing their first day.

Reggie: Okay Bill. I know what it-.

Carver ignores him and examined our stations. Once he sees Y/N's, he looks at Reggie with a devilish look.

Carver: Reggie, What the fuck happened in here?!

Reggie tries to explain but starts stuttering.

Carver: Shut up. Shut up, just shut the fuck up! Now start explaining.

Y/N steps up and says.

Y/N: It's my fault, Bill. I was trying to help Sarah with her station and I forgot to do mine.

Carver: No, no. This ain't your fault son. Reggie, we had that talk about what would happen if you fuck up again, right?

Reggie: Ye-Yes but-.

Carver: But you just don't get it, do ya? Kids, why don't you wait outside while the adults talk?

We walk outside and heard them talking.

Y/N: Ah crap. What have I done?

Clem: What do you mean?

Y/N: Okay, at first I thought Reggie was just brainwashed by Bill. But now I see him as a cool guy. Now he's in trouble because of me. Should've done my work.

Clem: You helped Sarah at least. So now she won't be punished by Bill.

Y/N: Yea, I guess.

He looks up and sees Sarah by the ledge of the building. He goes over to her slowly.

Y/N: Sarah, are you okay?

I follow him.

Clem: Sarah, just back up from the ledge.

Suddenly, Reggie gets pushed out the door and Carver grabbed him and threw him off. We look down and see him dead.

Carver: I can't have this kind of work behavior in my camp! It's what makes us weak.

He looks at Y/N, who looks like he wants to say something with his fist clenched up.

Carver: You got something you wanna say?

Y/N: *sternly* No.

Carver: Good. Now get back to Bonnie. She has work for you two.

Clem: What about Sarah?

Carver: I'll have a word with her. Now Go!

We walk to the exit and I look back to see Carver talking with Sarah.

Poor Reggie...

Hey guys, sorry I couldn't bring these chapters out yesterday. The reason for that is because I had school work and I wanted to hang with my friends. On top of that, these chapters were long so that didn't help much. I'll try and release the next chapters on their regular release dates. Hope you guys had a good weekend and I'll see ya next weekend. Peace out ✌️

The walking dead S2 (Clem x male reader) Where stories live. Discover now