Not so diffrent.

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Y/N's POV.

Me and Carlos are helping Kenny with his injury after the beating he took from Carver. Carlos says that the eye may not be saved.

Y/N: How's Clem doing?

Carlos: She's fine. She might have a big bruise on her face for a while but she'll be fine. What about you?

Y/N: I feel like I'm about to puke. But I'll live.

Just then, the bay door opened and it was Troy.

Troy: Y/N, Bill wants to speak with you.

Y/N: What for?

Troy: Ain't Nothing Good. Now get moving!

I frowned and followed him to Carvers office. We walked in and I look to my right to see Alvin all beaten and bruised.

Y/N: Alvin! Oh my god!

Carver: He's been out since yesterday. He won't be joining us in our little conversation. Please, have a seat.

I went over to the seat and sat down. I looked on his desk and saw something I thought I would never see again. It was my dad's pocket watch I gave to him on his birthday.

Y/N: Where did you get that?

Carver: Oh this? I found it off a dead guy outside of Atlanta, Georgia. Had two bullet holes in him. One in the head and one in the chest. Whoever did that to him made sure he was dead.

I frowned and stared at the floor in shame.

Carver: You look upset, all things considered. Is something on your mind? Did you know the man that owned this?


Carver: Is that right? Anyway, I bet you're wondering why I sent you up here. The reason is that I'm a little curious. Curious about who you really are.

Y/N: What are you talking about?

Carver: I remember that look you gave me on the way up here the other day. The same kind of look I give when I'm about to kill somebody. It has hate, anger, and fury in the eyes. The eyes...of a killer.

Y/N: I'm not like you. You kill people for your own reason. And I'm not a killer.

Carver: I understand why your denying the fact that you're a killer. I mean, your still just a kid. Something like that can make you not believe in the truth. But you have to understand, that's a skill you need nowadays. Believe it or not, I actually liked Reggie. He was smart and funny, always kept the camp upbeat and spreaded positivity around. However, he lacked the strength to kill and toughness. I can't have my child raised around that.

Y/N: It's not yours. It's Alvin's.

Carver: Well, it's gonna be mine. I'm gonna raise it, with or without Rebecca's help.

Y/N: Okay Bill. Enough with the bull crap. What are you trying to get from me?

Carver: I just want to see if you really are a killer and a killer always has their first kill. So tell me, who have you killed? Someone trying to kill you? A lurker?...Family member?

My eyes widened, heart was pumping and my legs shaking. I didn't say anything for a moment before I shot up and said right to his face.

Y/N: I think you should shut up before I kill you next!

Carver didn't say anything except clapped a few times and stood up.

Carver: I'll take that as a compliment. Now then, if you will kindly follow me to our friend Alvin here.

I walk with him over to Alvin and Carver gets out a pistol.

Carver: As you can see, Alvin here is too weak to be able to move. I can't have that here. Why don't you do the honors Of taking care of this trash right here?

He hands me the gun and I aim it at Alvin. My hands are shaking, goosebumps going up my spine and I'm quietly crying.

Carver: Come on kid. It's easy just pull the trigger. It'll be loud, but quick. Do it.

I started to cry and shaking a lot more now, as Alvin looks at me in shock.

Carver: Pull the fucking trigger!


I quickly aim the gun at Carver and pull the trigger, but nothing. I pull the trigger again, nothing. He reached into his back pocket and pulls out the magazine for the pistol.

Carver: Next time, check the gun for ammo.

He then slapped me across the face and I fell to the floor hard while the gun fell to the floor. I lay there in pain as Carver pins me down and pulls out his knife.

Carver: Let me show you what happens when you try to kill me.

He grabs me by the hair and pulls my head up. I struggle to get out of his vice grip but of course, he's too strong. He puts the blade to my face and cuts my face. All I can do is scream in pain as he continued to cut my left cheek. After five seconds of pain, which felt like a whole minute, he stopped and got off me. I laid there, crying and shaking. Troy came in and picked me up. I felt the blood, trickling down my face as I walked back into the rest area. I walk past the group and they looked at me In horror. Luke ran up to me.

Luke: Jesus! Are you okay?!

I ignore him and kept walking to one of the beds. Luke grabs my arm and I yank it back.

Y/N: Don't you fucking touch me! Just leave me be!

Luke backs away with his hands in the air. I walk over to the bed and lay on it and cry myself to sleep.

I'm really sorry Alvin.

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