Author Note - Please read

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Hello! Swindle here (my nickname, don't ask).

Thanks for choosing my fic to read. Hopefully I don't let you down. I have to give you some warnings though, sorry. (With great power comes great responsibility right)?

Mature language, mentions of rape, actual rape, abuse, violence, blood, mentions of suicide and self-harm, depression, child neglect, trauma, and probably some other things. There's a lot.

Read at your own risk.

Please do not blame me if anything happens to you when you read this. You have been warned and it is your choice to continue reading this fic. It is not my responsibility because I have no control over your actions. Please make good choices and keep yourself safe, I do not want anything happening to you. Thank you.

The relationships in this fic are eventual WinterSpider (Peter x Bucky), minor, background WandaVision and minor, background Hawksilver (Clint x Pietro). If you don't like those ships, please be respectful and leave. No one is making you read this. There is no need to write hateful comments or put someone down because of who they ship. Thank you.

I know I mentioned above that there's WinterSpider in this fic, and there is, but it's at the very end. This book is NOT WinterSpider-centric. That's just one of many things in it.

This fic is based off of a mix of the first two Andrew Garfield Spider-Man movies and small bits of the first Tom Holland Spider-Man movie. However, these things will be altered to fit Peter's missions/life at HYDRA. (Like the building & Vulture incident). The Peter in this fic is imagined and depicted as Tom Holland's Peter.

I have given Peter an additional power: Spraying venom on command. He has venom behind his canines like a snake that can shoot the venom through those teeth. I made his webbing natural. (A secondary, extra power will be revealed in the sequel).

Clint doesn't have a wife and kids. Laura is a sister/close friend and the kids are his niece/nephews.

The timeline has been slightly altered so don't mind that. (Winter Soldier left HYDRA just a few years prior to canon). This takes place about two years after Civil War. But Civil War DID NOT happen, it's just two years after when it would. They peacefully talked it out signed a new set of accords. Everybody who was in Civil War––minus Spidey––is an Avenger (Scott, Pietro, Wanda, etc... But Scott has a family so he isn't around). No major plot points happen, unless they have been altered to fit Peter's HYDRA experience. 

Asgard still exists. Ragnarok and Sakaar happened, which was also moved slightly earlier. Ragnarok didn't completely destroy Asgard though. Most of the people of Asgard are staying on that coast on Earth while their more magical citizens––like Loki––help rebuild. Thor rules alongside Loki and Valkyrie watches over the Earth group.

Also yeah the first chapter is written in 1st person but everything else is in 3rd. It's just for the effect.

Thank you for (hopefully) reading this Author Note.

Let the adventure begin...

~ Swindle

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