chapter 6: Canine Prep *

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*This chapter is currently under editting. If things don't make sense, I'm sorry! It will be fixed!*  

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QUICKLY THE WEEK FLEW BY. Sensei kept ditching me with those lame teenagers. Eventually though; I found my time with them got to be something I looked forward to. It was really hard getting me used to hand-to-hand combat with other humans, fighting other dogs was so much easier. We fought head on, each fight was life or death. Street fighting was once my only way of getting by.

Nobody I ever actually fought was a ghost though. Or human for that matter. I'm pretty sure I've said that so much it's getting annoying. I was nervous about the exam, in fact I was mortified.

There was a chance I could lose control and kill people, or just flat out embarrass myself in public.

If I lose control; would Sensei ship me away? Would he abandon me like my mother did...? Would I lose myself in my anger, and run away??? I was told I had no reason to worry. I never lost control around Mirio, so I'll be fine around a whole bunch of other humans that I don't fucking know, right? R-Right--?!

'How the hell do I shut this human brain off-?!'

So many questions bubbled around my thoughts, as I scrubbed away the dirt and grime from my bouncy (h/c), hair. It was such a hassle cleaning out my ears, since they were more ontop of my head, rather than the side like the average female human body.

After I'd gotten out, I smoked another cigarette, sitting on my bed; wrapped in a pale white towel. Kenai seemed to have vanished, which he was his own animal. I didn't really want to press into that too much, so instead I just laid back on my pillow. The setting sun spilled into the room painting the walls and floor in a golden carmel.

When I got dressed, I was bored. I didn't really feel like scrambling outdoors to track down kenai, so I wandered down to 'The living space', only to find Sensei snoozing away In the floor; curled into a yellow sleeping bag.

He looked like a little worm, which I couldn't help but giggle at. I crouch down into the floor; my tail wagging profusely. I poke him in the forehead with my index finger.

"Sensei~" I muttered, but he stayed there Still as a rock. "Senseiii-" I press, poking his forehead repetitively.
"Sensei why are you hibernating?  It's not even winter yet..."
When his eyes peel open I flash a toothy grin. Sighing, he rolls over.

"I have questions!" I add, but he responded with a grumble.
"(F/n) Your questions can wait."
I shook my head, "No they can't--"

I lept onto his other side, "The exam is tomorrow...."

"What if I fail...I've only ever fought animals not humans..." I pout, and he sighs.

"You've gotten enough experience with Togata. You'll do fine. Now, why don't you go do something." I tilt my head in curiosity.

"Sensei, what should I do...?"

He Rolls his eyes, "Something that doesn't involve me, awake." I chuckled anxiously. "Alright...I'll leave you alone..." with my ears pressed back against my head, I finally stalk my way back to my bedroom, to find the window wide open.

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