chapter 10: physically failing*

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*This chapter is currently under editting. If things don't make sense, I'm sorry! It will be fixed!*

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MY PEERS ALL REGROUPED OUTSIDE. I felt putrid--like trash, or a steaming hot pile of shit. I probably would've thrown up, If my stomach wasn't already so damn empty. Apparently we were supposed to be conducting quirk-assessment tests today, but my body felt like it was being torn apart from the inside out. I shouldn't have fought last night. Not after such a heavy exam. I shook myself from my thoughts, as a twinge of pain surged through my lungs.

I used Whatever was beside me to steady myself; damn near collapsing to the ground. "W-Woah, hey are you okay??" Following the scorce of the voice, I realised I was clenching onto the arm of a familar redhead. Eijiro Kirishima, was his name.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine!! Un-hand me, weird human--" I snarled shoving him away. I straightened my posture, trying to play the coughing off casually, but eventually I found myself practically dry-heaving into the tissue I stole from the bathroom. When blood sputtered onto the cloth, Kiri gave me an anxious glance.

I was actually glad I ditched my bag in the classroom. Kenai would've probably nipped at my ear, and told me I was stupid for sneaking out last night. "That looks like blood...I think you should really talk to Sensei--"

I hissed in interjection, motioning for him to zip-it. "Hush! He'll hear you!! I can't tell him about this...please don't tell him..." I whiped away the blood with my tissue, before tossing it in the nearest trashcan. Pulling out the germex bottle I had stashed in my bra; I coat my arms, and hands in the substance to disinfect them. Sensei used this stuff all the time.

He said it kept him from picking up any rare diseases from "Those snot-nosed little fucks." If I knew there were so many ways to share germs I probably wouldn't have eaten out of all those dumpsters.

'Haha, Just kidding......'

'I hate myself.'

When I glanced back over at the redhead, worryful of his silence. his eyes were spiraling like a slot machine, and his face tinted bright red. That smile of his was quite vibrant to sat the least, but I could still sense anxiety radiating off him. He wore that smile during the exam to, I couldn't help but wonder whether or not it was fake.

A girl, seemed shaken by the sudden active quizes Sensei decided to pile on us. I couldn't help the twinge of guilt in my chest. It was the girl I'd risked the entire exam to save. Her name was Ochaco Uraraka. She actually told me her name during the exam, but I think she assumed I wasn't listening to her. She reminded me of the sunflowers in the countryside; bright and full of life. Her deep chocolate brown orbs fluttered to the ground sorrowfully.

I was shaken from my thoughts by the booming voice of the Blondie--who often stared at my chest--shouting the words die.
A ball shoots across the sky, a line of smoke hot on it's trail. I couldn't help but gape at the sight. He was really strong. I had to fight the urge to chase it. I wanted to so bad, but I couldn't let myself. I couldn't push myself even farther than I already have.

I found myself coughing yet again.

This time I used the fabric of my training shirt to muffle my dry-heaving. That redhead just kept staring at me in pity. Eventually I threw him a nasty glare before focusing my attention back onto Sensei. I despised that look of pity more than anything in the world.

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