Chapter 49; a lost cause

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against the earth; listening as Kenai babbles on in my twitching ear.

"You haven't been talkin to me about Jack shit lately-"

"Yeah, sorry about that...." I huff. The dirt spewed through the crevice of my paws- almost at highspeed, although it was really hard to hear him after a while- I could still feel his voice in my brain somehow.

"Sorry- my ass. You know damn well I don't give a rats ass what that buzzard back there actually thinks-"

"I'm pissed that you've been lying to me."

I come to a hault, sighing; "I know. I-Its just much as happened. There's really no way I can tell you what's messing with me in one simple conversation you know?"

He rolls his eyes, "Then tell me what the hell this map leads to." I let out an exasperated groan, "I told you already!!- then you found a sausage can, and told me to shut up cause my voice sounded like a dying ostrich."

He tilts his head, before pawing at his tail anxiously. "Shit- sounds about right- uhh, carry on??"

"There's a really small city really far from here- but with my size, I can dig a tunnel there."

"Pull my phone out of my chest fluff-"
He groans before pawing around and pulling it out. "Just drag your thumb across the thing to unlock it."

"Its a screen- knit-whit."

"How do you know how a phone works??"

"I had to learn to keep track of you shit-head."

"-Anyways I eventually figured out it was, a little bit like a communicator so- I figured out how to pull up a nearby street-fight-"

His eyes shoot wide, and his fur seemed to puff up. He almost dropped the phone in his shock, "YOU PULLED UP THE DEEP-WEB THIS THING-?!?"


"I didn't use that, I just used this thing called an app- and it keeps your conversations private I'm pretty sure."

I carry on digging, he finally sighs,
"I swear to fuck if you get yourself put down I'm gonna bring your ass back to life so I can SMACK THE SHIT OUT OF YOU!!!"

"What? can't hear you!! Sausage paws." He glares at me. I kept digging for a really long time, I couldn't believe how far I'd gotten. At this point though, the light on my horns were dimly lit, like the tea candles, you'd by at target because they were placed in the open, and you literally can't stop yourself. Haha get it, cause this is the perfect future you're looking for in a story?

The next time I halt my ears twitch yet again, this time it's the sound of sensei's voice pulling me from my strength filled trance.

Suddenly, my horns were engulfed in a powerful white flame- I couldn't fathom how my body could be filled with such brutal coursing heat during abrupt moments such as these. I didn't understand adrenaline; I never have, but somehow I manage to cope with it.

A mind numbing pain- sends a surge of electricity up my paw- as a black disc appears, right in below me. I yelp skidding, in my tracks- but Kenai falls through; I thrusted through the damned thing, After completely failing to grab him by the tail.


With a thump I land right ontop of poor Kenai. I glance around, my nostrils flaring as I scan my surroundings.

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