chapter 39: Wolves don't purr

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Sakamata's eyes, I'd practically declared war. My training was kicked into high speed, and everyday consisted of Attacks from his endless crew of crazy robotic looking humans- who Suprisingly turned out to have quirks of their own.

I started getting really bad anxiety, I never really trusted my surroundings, or that I wasn't being forced to spend the day in some sort of dark cellar, that's always Seemingly impossible to escape from- if they did let me out; I automatically assumed it would only be for training.

I've dimmed down my shapeshifting time to at least eight seconds, and I can Enforce specific amounts of my quirk. All I really Had left to work on was my anger issues. I learned how to take water head on now, despite How much it stings, mako taught me How to mix together this special oil that relaxes my Stone-like flesh, and it Allows me to clean the bacteria off my skin.

But I had to wear a muzzle. It wasn't one of those electrified water ones, but it looked like some sort of cage on my mouth, and for some reason I just couldn't for the life of me, figure out how to get it off.

After packing up my things, Mako was the one To walk me to the entrance of the agency.

She scratched my head. "Sorry this internshp must have been a real pain for you kid, I hope you find a place you can live happily, and be yourself in." I gave her a knowing glance.

She sighs in defeat, pulling my cigarettes out of her pocket, returning my lighter. I'd Never felt so happy in my life than i did in that moment.
I hugged them to my chest, practically purring against them. "Last Time I checked wolves don't purr-"

I huff Offended, "I wasn't Purring!! I was- W-Whining! Wolves don't pur. Insolent human." I pouted. She chuckles at me in response.

My ears twitch. I could hear him breathing.


HE'S HERE!!!!!

It felt like my body was quivering with excitement. I could hear his footsteps. My tail Thuds against the wall. As soon as the door opens I Tackle him In a bear-hug.

"SENSEI!!! I MISSED YOU SOSOSOSO MUCH!!!-" "-The Fuck? Get the hell off me- Damn Fleabag-!!" my eyes widen, and I back up tilting my head in confusion. "Katsuki? Why do you smell like sensei??" He scowls pointing to the ball of fluff sitting in his Suprisingly flat hair."

I beam a Bright Smile, "KENAI!!!!" I tare my trusted trash budy from Katsuki's Suprisingly rough scalp, hugging him As if my life depended on it. "Fuck! Easy twerp- You're crushing me!" I pouted, "Sorry kenai...I'm just so excited!!"

Mako waves me off. And like that we leave.

Katsuki picking me up was a pleasant suprise. I had unfinished business with him though. I just uhh.

Forgot what the hell it was.

He turns to me scowling. "What The Hell is that thing? Why are you still wearing it." I pouted. "I can't figure out how to get it off, even so I'm not allowed to take it off." My ears droop, and I mentally whine. This was a really emotional topic for me right now. I really trusted sensei sakamata, but he sort of stabbed me in the back.

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