Part 5: Bumps Along The Way

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~ 3 months Later; End of Fall Beginning of Winter ~

Peeta's P.O.V.

"Katniss, you still awake?" I ask into her dark hair.

"No." She says with a small yawn.

"Well, I just wanted to ask you, what would you say if I said I love you?" I say.

She rolls over and a big smile is on her face. "I would say I love you too. Then kiss you, like this. That sound good?" She asks.

I nod. "Katniss?" I ask.

"Yeah?" She asks.

I smile. "Love you."

She smiles back. "Love you too."

And as she promised me, she kisses me before snuggling into my warmth.

"But could you do something else for me? Since I love you." She asks.

"Anything for you guys." I say and gently run my hand on her growing stomach that shelters our daughter.

"A bowl of fresh fruit and toast with chocolate and strawberries." She says and looks up at me.

"It's midnight, Kat. Can't you hold off till morning?" I ask and sigh.

"You said you loved me! Are you going to deprive us?" She asks and pouts her lip.

"No.. I could never do that to you guys." I say giving into her request.

A big smile grows on her face. She kisses me again. "Thanks. We really can't wait until morning." She says with a small laugh.

"Hey, don't bring her into this." I say.

"Well it's her fault I want things at midnight. If you don't like it, then let's not have anymore." She says.

"I'd rather wake up at midnight then not have another." I say.

"Well you'd better hurry up with that food, then. Otherwise I'm not letting you." She says and glares at me.

"I'm going, I'm going." I say and sigh.

"Hurry!" She whines.

I make my way to the kitchen. Daisy comes to check out what I am doing.

"She's at it again is all girl." I say and pet her.

Most of the things Katniss craves isn't here in 12. So we have to have it sent to us. Which is basically every week. Since she craves a lot of things since she is getting farther and farther into this whole pregnancy. I sometimes have to bring home one of everything from the Bakery. And go out grocery shopping as soon as I walk in the door. I do love this woman, just not this part of her. And don't even get me started when I come back home empty handed. Let's just say, some nights are more intense than others. But I know it isn't her doing. So I can't be mad at her. The toast pops up from the toaster. I put it on a plate and get out the chocolate spread. I put it all over and then the strawberries she wanted. And then peel the fruits and puts them in a bowl.

"You want to sleep with us, Dais? Not a lot of room now, but you are more than welcome to." I say to her.

She starts to wag her tail and opens her mouth.

"Come on, then." I say.

I balance the bowl and plate and walk up to my room. And what I knew would happen, has happened. Katniss is peacefully asleep. This happens a lot when she wakes up with cravings. As soon as I have it and bring it to her, she's already asleep. I smile and shake my head. I set the food on her nightstand. I climb back into bed. I pat the bed and Daisy jumps up. She rests in the small space right by Katniss's stomach and my back. The quiet sound of Katniss's snores put me to sleep.

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