Part 11: It's The Climb

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~ Five Years Later ~

Katniss's P.O.V.

I watch her and I swear I can't force myself no to smile. She follows Peeta around every chance she gets. She's just like I was at her age, wanting to be like her daddy. She'll come running into our room at 6:30 every morning without fail. Just to ask if she can come with him to work. Truthful, she's much more gifted in hunting than baking. But most of the time Peeta tells her she can tag along and be his special assistant. He can't bear to tell her no. So in the evening, she'll come skipping home from the Bakery, hop up on my lap and present me with some sort of lopsided, lumpy and often tasteless pastry. But I finish every bite. She'll look over at Peeta, whose always grinning uncontrollably, and give him an enthusiastic thumbs up. Just to make sure he knows that her latest creation was a success. Maybe it's needless to say, but I wouldn't change a thing.

I have the house to myself for the morning, since Aster is at Kindergarten. I haven't been hunting much, since I am a mother and Aster always wants to go home as soon as we get into the woods as of late. She used to be a momma's girl. Now Peeta has taken her to his side. She still will hunt with me, but Peeta has her heart more. Since he gives into her more easily than me. I go and get the phone. I dial Gale's number. Him and I haven't spoken much or done a lot since Aster was born. And since we got into our argument when I was pregnant. The line rings about three times, then picks up.

"Hello, this is Gale?"

"Hi, Gale. It's me, Katniss."

"Oh, hey. How's it going?"

"Good. I have a couple of free hours until I have to pick up Aster. Want to go hunting?"

"Sure. Haven't done any in a while."

"I'll meet you there, alright?"

"Meet you there."

"And, Gale?"

"Yeah, Catnip?"

"Can.. we talk? About.. Us?"

"Yeah. Of course."

"Okay.. I'll be there in ten. Should I bring help?"

"I bet those dogs would enjoy it, bring them along."

"Alright. See you then."


I put the line on the jack. I sigh. I feel all the thoughts rush to the front of my mind. All the things I need to tell him. Apologize for. Thank him for. Ask him about. Catch up on. I know we said things the last time we had an actual conversation. Things that were true, yet also hurt. I do regret a lot of what I said. But some of those things were true then. Maybe not now. I don't know. That's why I need to talk to him. To make things clear. To be on the same page and grow back together. Be the friends we used to be. Or at least try to. We may not be completely the same, with the war and all the losses we have had. But we can grow in new ways and become better people. Better friends. Better family.


Gale's P.O.V.

"I'll be back in an hour of so, Al." I say to my wife Aleree.

"Where are you going?" She asks with a smile.

"Katniss wants to hunt. Figured we could use some dinner or later there this week too." I say.

"Have fun. I love you." She says and kisses me.

"Love you too." I say.

"Oh, and I had a thought." She says.

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