Part 13: Trials and Tribulations

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~Three Months Later~

Katniss's P.O.V.

I woke up for the seventh time with morning sickness. But by this time it is almost eleven thirty. I was trying to sleep in for a bit. I have my four month scan at 12:30. Peeta couldn't make it. But I plan on giving him a surprise. He has been certain we are having another girl, and giving Aster the idea of fun times with a sister. I have a feeling that this is a boy. Too much trouble already. I bet when he's out here, we'll have an adventure for sure. I didn't want a baby shower, to the displeasure of my girl friends. So they have been instead, sending me nonstop packages of clothes, and necessities for either a girl or boy. But we will share the news later. Even though my mother's instincts aren't wrong, despite what my daughter and husband think and say. I clean myself up and get myself dressed. I am lucky my mother gave me maternity clothes for this pregnancy. I didn't have any for Aster, but she wasn't that big. But even so, I, was big. I loaned a lot of Peeta's old clothes. Which he got sick of in my fifth month since I would change and get them dirty all the time. I leave my room and have a pleasant surprise waiting on my nightstand. I go and sit down and read the small note, left by a vase of tiger lilies.

"A sweet bouquet for a sweet woman.

Dropped by a bit ago. I assumed that you were preoccupied with.. Issues. But left them here for when you returned. If you drop by the Bakery after your appointment, I'll have your favorite and Aster's favorite as a snack. And be sure to let me know what we get to prepare for. I have an idea for the nursery.

With Love,


I put the note down. I smile and pick up a lily. I smell the sweet scent. How these are my favorite. I notice a small box behind the vase. There are two upon further examination. I picked one. I open it. I smile and laugh lightly to myself.

~To the Best woman in my life, Peeta~

I take out the bracelet. It is a simple gold band and has a charm with the first letter of my name. There is a loop in the bracelet itself. I put it around my wrist. I assume the other box is for Aster. So I'll let her enjoy opening it. I get up and go to Aster's room. She's playing with her dolls and has Apollo and Daisy with her too. I stand in the doorway and watch her for a bit. Peeta insisted we change her room again. So we did. And she loves it.

"Aster, sweetie." I say.

She looks at me with a smile. "Hi Mommy!" She beams.

"Daddy left a gift for you." I say and show her the box.

She squeals with delight. "What is it, Mommy!?" She exclaimed.

"Come here and let's see." I say and go sit on her bed.

She gets up with me, and I give her the box. She opens it.

"OOH! It's pretty, Mommy!" She says and smiles from ear to ear.

"Here, I'll put it on." I say.

She holds out her wrist and I put it on. Her's is simple, but a little different from mine. Her's has a pearl next to her pendant.

"There. Now we match." I say.

"Mine has an A, Mommy. Not a K. A for Aster." She says,

"That's right, Aster." I say and smile proudly at her. "Have you eaten?"

"Daddy made me breakfast while you were asleep. But I'm not hungry." She says,

"Well, I have to go to the doctor. Then Daddy will bring us lunch in the meadow. Sounds good?" I say.

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