Part 17: We Could Be Enough

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~1 Day Later~

Katniss's P.O.V.

I am a mother again. And to a beautiful baby boy. He looks exactly like Peeta. Except Owen has my eyes. I knew I would have a son. All along I had a feeling that our Little "Olive" would be a boy. I felt too much trouble. But, I do want another girl now that I have Owen. I was getting used to the fact of another Aster. Aster was disappointed as well. But grew more and more excited to the fact when she met him and held him. Haymitch, Effie and Mom have fallen head over heels for him. They are already spoiling him, and he is only a day old. Peeta has been running home constantly to get things for Owen. Since all we brought was girl things. Our family and friends have been lending a hand when they come to see him as well. 

Gale and Aleree have grown so much closer

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Gale and Aleree have grown so much closer. And happier. I'm glad for them. Cressida is five months now. And looks great. She's expecting a boy too. Gale is already planning for all of us to hunt. And I am excited for that. But, I need at least six weeks before I can do much. I need to spend another two days here to recover. Which I am happy to do. I am very tired and in pain. The joys of postpartum are hitting. The excessive bleeding, sore feeling, and my body recovering from having a person in me. With Owen, I decided to breastfeed. Which is a challenge I've come to realize. But luckily, I have nurse's help, Mom's help, and Dr. Mangum's help. My incision sutures were removed. It feels weird to have been cut open. But it is healing up very well, I am told. I am glad that Peeta did not look inside of me. I think he is too. I know that he would have fainted. And so would I. The pain from it is wearing off, mainly. I will be sore. I had major surgery. Peeta has been getting things done at home for the past few hours. Aster stayed here with me. She can't get enough of her little brother. She sits next to me and holds him.

"He's so cute, Momma." She says,

"He sure is, Flower." I say.

"I wanted a sister, though. Can I get one?" She asks.

"Maybe someday, Flower." I say.

Owen whimpers and wakes up.

"Here, Aster." I say.

She gently hands me Owen. I rock him gently and try to soothe him.

"Hey Buga-Boo, what's the matter, huh? Are you hungry?" I say. "Miss your Daddy?"

"Well, he's here to the rescue." I hear Peeta say.

He comes and sits beside me. He kisses my temple.

"I got him." He says,

I hand him our son. And Owen becomes calm immediately.

"How come you can do that?" I asked and playfully hit him.

"He's my little boy. That's why." He says and sticks his tongue out at me.

I roll my eyes at him and watch him with Owen. He has always had a gift with children. A gift I wish I could have. I may have grown as a better mother, but I'll never be able to interact with children like he can. But as long as Peeta is by my side, he can be a good one with children. I'll be the carrier, he'll be the caregiver. And I won't mind keep giving him more. Maybe in a few years. I am missing the feeling of carrying a baby in me already. And it's only been two days. I've carried children for eighteen months of my life. And I'm only twenty seven. Almost twenty eight. I'm closer to thirty now. I never realized how long time goes by. How long I've been married. Almost sixteen years. And to think, twelve years ago, I had been sent into the Games with him. I didn't know I loved him then. It hit when I lost him. And I never want to ever again. Not because my children would be fatherless, but because I still need him. And I always will.

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