Part 5 🐼🦆🦒🦙🍜

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"Wait, hold up Lucy." "Yeah Zach what is it?" "Well I was wondering if maybe you wanted to come back stage into our room after meet and greet?" "I would love to come" "Ok just wait around here and after we are done you guys can come with us." "Yay, okay I will see you soon Zach." I walked off to the side where their wasn't many people and waited for the boys to finish. I watched as he was hugging other people and kissing their foreheads. Was it just a fan thing that he was doing to me? Or was he being genuine? I don't know why but it made me so jealous. I've only had a soulmate for an hour and I'm already jealous, that's just great. I looked over towards Courtney and she looked like she was going to rip off a girls head at any moment. But if she is feeling like this than Daniel must know. "Courtney I know you are feeling jealous right now, don't worry I am too, but you have to control it otherwise Daniel will know." "Okay thanks Lucy, I completely forgot about that, geez I'm so selfish." "Your not selfish Court, it's actually cute that you care about him so much already." "Well I just feel like I'm more attached to him than he is to me because I'm a limelight." "Its okay Court, it will get easier."

(Time Skip)
It had now been a little while later when security guards came walking up towards us. "Are you two Lucy and Courtney." We nodded in response. "Okay you two follow me." We followed him down a long hallway, he stopped as he reached a door. "They are in there." "Okay thank you" He left and went back down the hallway where we had just come from. I look at Courtney before I knocked on the door. She seemed so nervous and excited and well I do to. I knocked and Zach opened the door immediately but he was shirtless. I was shocked, he looked so hot. I hope I'm not drooling right now. "Hey Lucy, Hey Courtney, come right in." Courtney made her way in while I was still standing at the door. "Do you like what you see?" He started laughing at me while I started to blush from embarrassment. "Sorry." "No don't be sorry." We both made our way into the room where everyone was.

Daniel's POV
After I had seen Courtney at the meet and greet I had started getting feelings of jealousy but it wasn't coming from me, so which means it would have to be Courtney who is jealous, but why? The guys and I were just talking when we heard a knock on the door, he got up so fast, I couldn't believe. Zach actually psychically got up and was doing something without being asked. He is a changed man, who would of known that having a soulmate would do this to him. Courtney came through the door, I was so happy, and had the biggest smile on my face. I think this is a better time than ever to ask her what is wrong. "Hey Courtney I have something to ask you." "Yeah no problem what is it?" "Well during the meet and greet I had this feeling of jealousy but it wasn't from me, which means it was you, so what's up?" "I don't know. I guess it's just..."

Word count: 577 words

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