Part 19🐼🦆🦒🦙🍜

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Lucy's POV
"Okay Lucy, it's not Jack it's kay, now can you please drop it." Zach yelled at me. I couldn't help but start to cry. "I'm sorry Lucy, I didn't mean to make you cry." "Zach can you please just leave alone for a bit, I just need to think." "If that's what you want." He walked out of the room but not before kissing the top of my head.

(Time Skip)

It had been a couples hours later since I told Zach to leave. I felt lonely and honestly regretted telling him to leave, I over reacted so much. Ive sent him a couple of texts but he hasn't replied. I waited a bit longer cause I don't want to be that girlfriend that's all over their boyfriend and wants to know where they are 24/7. But it was now 11:38pm and I still hadn't heard anything. I think it's time to call him. I call him and he doesn't answer. I call him a second time, still no answer. I'm starting to get really worried now, third time lucky, right?  I call him and he finally answers. "Hello" "Hey Zach, I'm sorry for telling you to leave earlier." "Umm..yep."  "And I shouldn't of over reacted, I'm sorry." "Yeah..." "Where are you Zach." "Umm...Just at...home" "Shh Zach stop being a baby." I heard through the phone. "Who is that, is it Kay." "Look I can ex..plain." "Don't even bother Zach." And with that I hanged up the phone. I cant believe he ran straight back to her, after our disagreement. I knew I wasn't good enough for him. I looked at my arm, it was blank. I grabbed a pen and wrote "Goodbye Zach, I'll miss you."

Zach's POV
She hanged up the phone on me. What have I done! I was staring into space thinking about what had just happened, when I looked at my arm. "Goodbye Zach, I'll miss you." Without even thinking I ran out of the house straight to the hospital. I ran to her room but I was too late, she was already gone.

Word Count: 351 words

Sorry for the short part. Sorta got writer's block 😂 please tell me what you think about soulmates, and if I should improve on anything. And add me on Instagram @seaveyherron2002

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