Part 12🐼🦆🦒🦙🍜

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Zach's POV
"Guess what Lucy!" "What!" "You get to come to LA with me." "YES, YES, YES! I could kiss you right now" We both started blushing. "Well why don't you." I said smirking. We leaned in, our lips were so close, I could almost touch hers. "Hey Lucy, can you please... oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt what ever was going on here."Geez that was close. "Its fine mum, what's up." "When you have time can you please order your passport." "Yep, no problem mum."

(Time skip)

Lucy's POV
It had now been a couple of days now. Zach was flying from New Zealand to get me and then we were both going to fly to LA. Luckily my passport arrived yesterday thanks to express postage. I had just arrived at the airport waiting for Zach to get in from New Zealand. He had messaged me before he had left and said there were delays so will be an hour later, but that didn't matter to me. All I cared about was just see him sometime that day ,no matter if it was sooner or later. I had just missed him. When soulmates are apart from each other, well in this case in two different countries, you get this weird pain in your heart. This only stops when soulmates are near again. So at this present time my heart was sore, it just wanted Zach.

I looked at my arm and saw the words 'turn around'. At first I was so confused but I did what it said. I turned around and I couldn't believe my eyes. I ran up to him and gave him the biggest hug ever.  "What are you doing here Zach, I thought you weren't getting in for a while." "Well let's just say I pulled some strings and I didn't want to tell you so I could surprise you." "You definitely surprised me." He kissed me a couple times on the head before we started walking towards a cafe to get something to eat. We ate and then we made our way to the correct gate where the plane would be to go to LA.

(Time Skip)
We had just arrived in LA. I wasn't use to this cool change as it was late spring going into summer back in Australia, it sent chills through my body. "Are you alright Lucy?" "Yeah I'm fine just cold that's all." "Come here."  He pulled me close to him in attempt to keep me warm, which was helping. We collected our bags and made our way outside to get a taxi. Traffic was busy, people were yelling, it was crazy, and I thought Melbourne was bad. "Taxi." Zach called out. "Come on let's go." I followed Zach towards the car. But then all I saw was black...

Word Count: 469 words.

What happened to Lucy? Hope you guys are liking it x. Add me on instagram @seaveyherron2002

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