Part 16 🐼🦆🦒🦙🍜

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Courtney's POV
"Well if Lucy doesn't wake up in the next couple of days we will have to turn off her life support for good." I immediately felt frozen and didn't know what to do or say. "I really am sorry" That was the last thing the doctor said before he walked out the door. I looked over towards Zach, he had fell to the floor, crying his eyes out. I walked over to him and tried too comfort him. "Its okay Zach, everything will be okay." "Can you please just leave me alone with Lucy for a bit." "Sure thing Zach, I will just go see Daniel for a bit." As I was walking out, I could hear Zach sobbing. It honestly broke my heart.

Zach's POV
I couldn't believe this was happening, just as I find my soulmate everything goes bad. I wish was laying in this hospital bed instead of Lucy. As soon as I heard the news from the doctor, I just fell to the ground, numb. I asked if Courtney could leave the room so could have some time alone with Lucy.  And I guess to also let my emotions out, and not in front of Country. Thankfully she did and didn't ask any questions about it, because honestly I don't know if I would be strong enough to answer them.

I walked over to Lucy, still lifeless with wires attached to her, the same way she has looked for the past 2-3 weeks. I pulled a chair next to her and i hold her cold hands, they felt like ice. "Lucy come back to me. You are too young to die... Finally after many long years of finding you, I have you, and then the world wants to throw challenges at me, and well here you are. I really do miss you Lucy. I miss your laugh, the way you snort if its really funny. I miss the way you blush when you get embarrassed. And I miss the way you brighten up a room the moment you walk in. You can't leave me yet, we were meant to grow old together Lucy. Get married, have children." At this point I was a sobbing mess, she just can't leave me. 

(Time Skip)

It had been 2 days since the doctor came in to tell us that he was going to turn off Lucy's life support and well todays the day. I had hoped that she would of woken up before today but I guess luck just isn't on my side. There was a knock on the door, and In came the doctor. I felt like I was going to throw up. "I'm sorry Zach but it's time." I just sat next to Lucy knowing that this is it. "Would you like to stay in the room, which I turn it off." I just looked at the doctor and nodded. "Come on Lucy, if you are going to wake up there is no time like the present. Please just wake up for me, for Courtney, for your parents, for Jonah your bother, for your friends. Please!" I pleaded but nothing happened. The doctor walked over and was checking all the machines. "Okay when you're ready Zach just press this button." I looked at the button and back at Lucy. "I'm sorry Lucy, I will love you till the day I die, Goodbye for now." I kissed her lips goodbye. This will be the hardest thing I ever have to do. I moved my hand, to hover over the button...and I pushed the button. "Goodbye Lucy."

Word count: 600 words

Well could this be it for Lucy. And I guess for Zach too. Hope you are enjoy this. Please add me on instagram seaveyherron2002 x

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