Part 7 🐼🦆🦒🦙🍜

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Jonah's POV
I looked at Zach and he looked so pissed. He gave me the biggest death stare, and then walked out of the room but not before slamming the door shut. What have I done? Could Lucy be the person I have been practically searching for my whole life? That would be the only reason why we would of been staring at each other for so long, right? Geez I hope so, otherwise this could ruin Zach and mine's friendship for good. I mean you can't have two soulmates, right?

Lucy's POV
I stood there frozen by the events that have just happened. I couldn't believe it. What would Zach be thinking of me now? I glanced over towards Jonah and he basically had the same expression on his face. I need to fix this. I walked out the door to go find Zach."Lucy wait, I need to tell you something." "Jonah it can wait, I need to find Zach and fix this." "I will help you find him" "Okay thank you." "Its my pleasure."

We were walking around trying to find him everywhere, we didn't have much time left before the concert would start, so we had to hurry. We were looking in every room there was until Jonah opened one and then closed it really fast. "What is it Jo?" "Oh nothing let's try the other rooms." He said nervously. "No what's in there." "Come on Lucy it's nothing lets go already." I walked over to the door and was about to open it when Jonah warned me. "I wouldn't do that if I was you." "Why not." I slowly opened the door, but immediately regretted it. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I ran out of the room to go outside to get some air, and to clear my thoughts. Why does stuff like this always happen to me, I don't understand. What could I have done to deserve this? Why would he...?

Jonah's POV
Lucy and me were looking around for Zach. I kept thinking about what happened before and wanted to ask Lucy about it but I thought now is probably not the right time. We were going from room to room, looking inside each room to find where Zach would be, and in time for the concert. I opened one door and completely regretted it. I closed the door but it must of been too fast because Lucy noticed. "What is it Jo?" "Oh nothing let's try the other rooms." Shit I sounded nervous, she will know. "No what's in there." "Come on Lucy it's nothing lets go already." I hope she believes me. But no she started walking over to the door and was about to open. Come on Jonah think of something. "I wouldn't do that if I was you." And that was the best I could come up with, really. "Why not?" It was too late she had opened the door, but before I could say anything she ran out of the room. I couldn't believe it, why would he ....?

Word count: 511 words

It's getting intense, I hope you guys like this one x. Please add me on instagram

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