Part 29 🐼🦆🦒🦙🍜

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Courtney's POV
"Yes Jonah if you must know I have, and yes we were safe...well most of the time." "Zach you really can be so stupid." "Really are we going to go there now" "Jonah, Zach, stop it now!! Zach go find your girlfriend, if you weren't so busy having a fight with Jonah you would of realised that she ran off crying." I was just getting so sick of these two arguing and I don't think anyone else was going to say anything to stop them. Zach finally realised what he was doing wrong and went up stairs to go talk to Lucy.

Zach's POV
I'm literally the worst boyfriend ever. I would completely understand if she wanted to leave me. I walked up the stairs in search for Lucy. I walked into her room but she wasn't there. I could hear the water running. I knocked on the door to the bathroom that was connected to her room. No answer. I knocked again, and there was still no answer. As soon as I opened the door I could hear sobbing. I looked over to the shower and saw Lucy sitting on the shower floor, crying, fully clothed. "Im sorry Lucy." I opened the shower door and joined Lucy on the floor, also fully clothed. "Talk to me Lucy, please!" I pleaded. "I just can't believe that she tried to kill me multiple times but that still wasn't good enough for her, now she has a freaking baby with you. If she can't hurt us one way, she will try another way." "I know i'm sorry Lucy" "Just when I thought life was going good, and we were talking about getting married and having kids, she comes in and destroys it. I'm just done with life Zach, I can't do it anymore." "Please don't give up Lucy, you are stronger than that. You have been through so much already, you can't just give up over this." "Yeah and what if I do Zach? I just leave this world for good, it would make it a lot easier for everyone won't it." "Lucy please no!! You can't kill yourself, there are so many people here who love and care about you." "I understand that Zach but I don't know if I can take everything anymore." "If it's easier you can leave me, have nothing to do with me but for the love of god please don't kill yourself." "No Zach!! I will stay I promise, it's just going to be hard." "I understand Lucy, but we just have to stick together through this. If you ever have thoughts of killing yourself just talk to me okay, we'll sort it out." "Okay thanks Zachy." "We'll get through this Lucy, and don't think that just because kay is having my baby doesn't mean we can't get married or have kids. It will happen one day, hopefully soon." "Okay Zach calm down there." She started laughing her head. I was being serious but i'm glad she is slightly back to her happy self, even if it was just for a minute.

Word count: 515 words

Just want to say thank you to everyone who reads my story, it really means a lot. And a extra thank you to everyone who votes. Please add me on instagram @seaveyherron2002
Happy pre birthday Daniel 🎉🎁🎂

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