Part 8 🐼🦆🦙🦒🍜

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Jonah's POV
It was too late she had opened the door, but before I could say anything she ran out of the room. I could't believe it, why would he do that to Lucy? I just don't understand why anyone would cheat on their soulmate. This is just a whole new low for Zach. I went looking for Lucy but couldn't find her so I went back to where Corbyn, Jack, Daniel and Courtney were.

"Where is Zach and Lucy? Is everything alright?" Courtney asked concerned. "Look we went looking for Zach and we found him, but he was kissing some blonde headed girl, and now I can't find Lucy anywhere and the concert starts in 20 mins." "Calm down Jo, I will just call her and see where she is at. You go find Zach and get ready for the concert. You need to focus." "Thanks Courtney." We all went our separate ways.

Courtney's POV
I was walking out of the venue so I could get better reception to call Lucy. Once I was out of the door I glanced to my side and saw Lucy balling her eyes out. I ran over to her side to comfort her. "Shh, shh, its okay, Jonah told me what happened. Everything will be okay." "How can you say that Court when he cheated on me." "Don't say that Lucy, it could of been a mistake, let's not put the blame on him till we know the full story." "Okay thanks Court." "All good I'm just here to help you." We both got up from the seat just outside the venue. We were walking in when this girl about our age spoke to us. "You know what you are pathetic, you know that. Zach will never love you, ever. You are such a slut and you deserve to die." "Umm excuse me, who said that you could come up to her and speak to her like that. She is not a slut, she is an amazing person, that anyone would be proud to be her friend or even know. The only slut around here is you, which is true as you already demonstrated that when you were kissing another person's soulmate. So if you don't mind don't talk to us again and leave us alone, thank you." Lucy and me walked away laughing our heads off.

(Time Skip)
Lucy's POV
The concert was amazing, the boys vocals were so good and on point. Loved every moment of it. I had put all thoughts and feelings to the side throughout the concert, just didn't want to wreak this moment for me. The concert had ended, Courtney and myself were making our way out of the venue when a security guard approached us. "Can you two please come with me?" We followed him yet again to where the guys are. We knocked on the door and Jonah answered. "Come on Zach let's go." Courtney went in to go see Daniel while I went with Jonah and Zach to another room. We walked in and Jonah closed the door behind us. "Okay Zach start talking, why did you cheat on Lucy?" "I didn't mean to, there was this girl. She started talking to me and was wondering if I was okay. Then all of a sudden she was all over me, I tried to get her off me but she just wouldn't and that's when you walked in the room. Trust me Lucy, I would never mean to hurt you. Please forgive me!" "Of course Zach, I forgive you. Besides I saw the girl and let's just say Courtney gave her what she deserves." "So what is going on with you and Jonah?" "I can explain..."

Word Count: 618 words

I'm sorry for putting you guys in so much torture with who is Lucy to Jonah. Will definitely find out next chapter. Add me on Instagram @seaveyherron2002

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