Part 25🐼🦆🦒🦙🍜

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Lucy's POV
I could feel my chest tightening, and I was becoming dizzy. I felt a hand on my body, but I couldn't see them. I immediately thought that it was the guy from Melbourne star, I screamed at the top of my lunges. But everything went black. Like I was in limbo.

Zach's POV
Courtney had come out of the room after the police had asked her questions. Her and Daniel had decided to go back to hers. Jonah and myself thought that we would get something to eat for all of us and make our way back to Lucy's room to eat it. I knocked on the door, but there was no answer, I waited a bit thinking she might be in the toilet or having a shower, that's when I heard a screamed. I gave Jonah all the food I had in my hands and opened the door. I placed my hand on Lucy's shoulder to get her attention. I called her name but nothing. "Jonah can you please go get a nurse." He made his way out of the room. "Lucy, Lucy, come back to me baby." She was in distress. The nurse came in and gave her a drug to calm her down and to make her go to sleep. I should of never went and got food, this may of never happened if I was here earlier. "What happened to her?" I asked the nurse. "It seems as though she was having break down, and couldn't control it anymore. Thats why I gave her some drugs to calm her down." "When will she wake up." "She will wake up in her own time." "Okay thank you." And the nurse made her way out of the room. I sat down next to Lucy, rubbing her hand until she was ready to wake up.

(Time Skip)

Lucy's POV
It had felt like it had been hours now that I had been stuck in this type of limbo. Everywhere I saw black. There was no one insight but oddly enough I didn't feel alone. I decide to walk around to see if anyone was here with me. Blackness everywhere, until I saw a little shinning light in the distance. I ran to it, closer and closer I was getting to it. The light starting to leave but instead it revealed a figure. I froze for a second, shocked by the sudden events. "Come with me" It was Zach. He had held out his hand for me to grab it and of course I did. Suddenly I was back at the hospital in my bed with Zach holding my hand, while he was asleep. Was this all just a dream? I throw a blanket over Zach, to keep him warm, but sadly I failed. "Your awake." He said really excitedly. "Yeah I am" I smiled back at him. "What happened Lucy?" "Can we please just talk about this in the morning. All I want right now is some Zachy cuddles." "I sure think I can help you with that." He grabbed a fluffy, comfy blanket from his bag and threw it over me and joined me. I cuddled up against him as he wrapped his arms around me. I wish this could last forever...

Word Count: 543 words

Hope you guys are enjoying and it's not too boring. Please vote and give me feedback, would help so much. And please add me on instagram @seaveyherron2002

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